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images + artistic effects


  • Argparse
  • Pillow


python install
python test

Command Line Usage

im2a [option flags] [one or more paths] 
    --ascii (default type, outputs to text file instead of making a PNG)
    --block (grayscale blocks)
    --dots (scaled grayscale circles)
    --text (grayscale text characters)
    --polygon (grayscale n-sides polygons with rotation. default 8 sides, no rotation)
    --size (optional pixel block size, default 10)
    --sides (optional for polygon) 
    --rotation (optional for polygon)

Command Line Examples

1. Ascii (Text File)
im2a ~/Desktop/tri.jpg
# NOTE: --ascii is default

im2a example 1

2. Text (PNG Image)
im2a --text ~/Desktop/tri.jpg

im2a example 2

3. Dots (PNG Image)
im2a --dots ~/Desktop/tri.jpg

im2a example 3

4. Polygon (PNG Image)
im2a --polygon --size 40 --sides 9 --rotation 45  ~/Desktop/tri.jpg
# Options: pixel block size 40px / 9-sided polygons / rotated 45deg

im2a example 4

Class Usage

  1. Make a scan object with Im2Scan.
  2. Add scan object to one of the output classes.
    • Im2Ascii (Ascii Text File)
    • Im2Block (Image as Blocks of Gray)
    • Im2Dots (Image as Dots of Gray)
    • Im2Text (Image as Text Characters)
    • Im2Polygon (Image as N-Sided Polygon with Rotation)
      • Takes 2 extra options (size and rotation)
  3. Run save().

Class Example

import im2a
scan = im2a.Im2Scan(img=<path location>, 
               block_size=<size (default = 10)>, 
               char_list=[array of characters (optional)])
output = im2a.Im2Ascii(scan)

Scan Options

  1. Image Path
    • Any image file that can be read with Pillow.
  2. Block Size
    • Size of pixel area that is scanned.
    • Default 10 (10px by 10px).
  3. Character List
    • Optional Array or Tuple of characters arranged from dark to light.
    • Default ("#", "$", "*", "!", "'", " ").


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