full instructions at https://github.com/christianhaitian/arkos/wiki#instructions-for-loading
ArkOS downloads https://github.com/christianhaitian/arkos/wiki#download-links
Imager (win) https://www.alexpage.de/usb-image-tool/
Back up both original cards from the RG351v if you want to play games
Uncompress the ArkOS image to hard drive
Use a new SD card (16G) - OR - wipe card 1 (16G) You can use the Administrative tools/computer management/Disk Management in Windows to delete the partitions on the SDHC card
Install ArkOS image Use the imager to restore the arkos image file - this takes a few minutes. eject and put the card in the first (top) slot of the RG351v Start the RG351 and follow the on-screen instructions. This takes several minutes.
Options/Wifi - Setup wifi (shoulder buttons advance cursor) Options/Network_info - Verify Network_info Options/Update - follow on-screen instructions - this takes several minutes
If you are using the second card do "Options/Advanced/Switch to SD2" for ROMS You can select visible systems under UI Settings.
To enable USB as a drive - Options/ USB Drive Mount
To FTP or SSH Options/Network Info - note network info IP address - mine was Options/Enable Remote Services Then you can ssh or sftp to the device using login ark, pw ark
Put the M8 folder in roms2/ports/M8 (or roms/ports/M8 if not using the second card) attach the Teensy that has already been set up with the latest Headless firmware
Run M8 Setup and/or Setup_Pulse Restart system