I do not intend to implement "ESDT Transfer to SC Method" There is enough info here and within ELROND documents to easily implement it for your specific needs. Leaving the button to select it demonstrates how to use an "Under Construction" page redirect in your middleware with Next.js
- ensure you have the latest version of npm installed
- ensure you have the latest version of nodejs installed
- clone or download the repo
cd esdt-operations
- rename .env.example file to .env.local
npm install
npm run dev
-> for developmentnpm run build
->npm start
for production
- ensure your firewall is disabled or you allow access as necessary
- in middleware.ts comment out the following lines:
let referer = request.headers.get('referer');
if (!referer?.includes(definedHost)) {
return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL('/forbidden', request.url));