Supervisor, is a computer vision based AI number plate recognition project.
Here user will choose an image and upload. As upload is clicked, deep learning model will process the input and returns output when it detects the number plate and then
expected text.
MySQL is required for database management. Download from here and follow this installation procedure for
Mac link
Windows link
Then in go to file and open it in any text editor like sublime or VS Code. Type your MySQL user name and password at place shown below
- Tesseract OCR for reading text from image.Download it from here.
Follow the following installation part from link. - Python language to run the software.
Download python from here
And installation for Mac link and windows link - Python Modules for running our application.
Follow this steps:
Install all the Dependencies stated above in document.
Open the folder Supervisor in your mac or windows terminal
Write following command and press enter
In your Web Browser, go to
Now Enjoy the Application. 🍵
For More details, refer Our Design Document
😄Have a Good Day😄