This project generates & insert smart meter reading. Note : the readings come in through a file with a no of readings per day.
Note : This will drop the keyspace "dse_iot_demo" and create a new one. All existing data will be lost.
To specify contact points use the contactPoints command line parameter e.g.
The contact points can take mulitple points in the IP,IP,IP (no spaces).
To create the a single node cluster with replication factor of 1 for standard localhost setup, run the following
To create the schema, run the following
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.demo.SchemaSetup" -DcontactPoints=localhost
To insert some meter readings, run the following
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.smartmeter.Main" -DcontactPoints=localhost
You can use -DnoOfCustomers and -DnoOfDays to change the no of customer readings and the no of days (in the past) to be inserted. Defaults are 100 and 180 respectively.
To view the data using cqlsh, run
select * from smart_meter_reading where meter_id = 1;
To run a billingCycle, which accummulates usages for a specific time period, run
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.smartmeter.BillingCycleProcessor" -DcontactPoints=localhost
To specific billing cycle use -DbillingCycle (Default is 7).
To run an DAY aggregation, which sums the usage for a day, run
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.smartmeter.Aggregate" -DcontactPoints=localhost
You can use -DnoOfCustomers and -DnoOfDays to change the no of customer readings and the no of days (in the past) to be aggregated. Defaults are 100 and 180 respectively.
To view the data using cqlsh, run
select * from smart_meter_reading_aggregates where meter_id = 1 and aggregatetype ='DAY';
To remove the tables and the schema, run the following.
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.demo.SchemaTeardown" -DcontactPoints=localhost