This is a simple AwesomeWM themed wallpaper generator. The module generates wallpapers with the word AwesomeWM in a cool font.
Note: This module requires the up-to-date version of AwesomeWM from the master branch.
To install, clone this repository into your AwesomeWM configuration folder.
For example:
git clone ~/.config/awesome/awesome-wallpaper
You will also need this font. Place it in ~/.local/share/fonts
-- Load the module
local awesome_wallpaper = require("awesome-wallpaper")
-- Create the wallpaper instance and set your options
local wallpaper = awesome_wallpaper {
-- These are all the options available and the default values
-- The background color of the wallpaper
background_color = "#10171e",
-- The colors of the letters in order
letter_colors = {
"#fca2aa", "#F8BD96", "#fbeab9", "#9ce5c0", "#c7e5d6", "#bac8ef",
"#d7c1ed", "#3b4b58", "#3b4b58"
-- The font size
font_size = 50,
-- If the letters should be colored in or not
solid_letters = true,
-- Letter spacing
spacing = 15
-- Draw the wallpaper
This piece of code animates the wallpaper to increase and decrease in size like the header gif!
local wall = require("awesome-wallpaper")
local g = require('gears').timer {
timeout = 0.01,
call_now = false,
autostart = true
local size = 2
local factor = 1
g:connect_signal("timeout", function()
if size >= 30 or size <= 1 then factor = factor * -1 end
wall = wall {font_size = size}
size = size + (1 * factor)