Implemented all the logic, planned up to MVP:
- User can subscribe on group of posts
- User can view list of group subscriptions on which user subscribes
- User can unsubscribe from group of posts
- User can set an inactive bot and do not receive notifications
- User can restart getting notifications
- Admin has ability to see bot statistics
- JRTB-10: extended bot statistics for admins.
- JRTB-4: added ability to send notifications about new articles
- JRTB-8: added ability to set inactive telegram user
- JRTB-9: added ability to set active user and/or start using it.
- JRTB-7: added the ability to delete group subscription.
- JRTB-5: added ability to subscribe on group
- JRTB-6: added ability to get a list of group subscriptions.
- JRTB-1: added repository layer.
- JRTB-13: added deployment process to the project
- JRTB-3: implemented Command pattern for handling Telegram Bot commands
- JRTB-2: added stub telegram bot
- JRTB-0: added SpringBoot skeleton project