Automatically installs Bind9 on your Debian-based system and does a base, working configuration so in matter of seconds you have your own DNS server up and running.
It is meant to be used with a freshly installed system but it also works on a system that already has Bind9 installed, but it overwrites configuration files, so make sure to perform a backup before running it if this is your case.
This tool configures the Bind9 service to make it work as a Master server, and accepts all queries.
- Installs Bind9 and its utilities (bind9utils and dnsutils)
- Checks if the service is working (if not it tries to start it)
- Checks if there is UFW installed (if it is, creates a new rule, if not, creates iptables rules)
- Configures "named.conf.options"
- Configures "named.conf.local"
- Creates "forward.your.domain" and configures it
- Creates "reverse.your.domain" and configures it
- Updates "/etc/resolv.conf" so the system uses its own DNS service
- Makes sure everything works
If my Internet IP is '' and my FQDN is '', I would run: