This small program allows you to do 4 main things:
- generates .png files for each glyph in your font,
- generates .pdf file containing all kern pairings found in your font,
- generates .pdf file containing all glyph pairs between all glyphs in your font,
- generates .pdf file containing all glyph pairs for selected character.
You will need to have FontForge installed.
- FontForge supposedly installs python module required by ffpreviewer, but I am not able to confirm that without reinstallation. How to run section below, assumes that you don't have it installed, so you will need to provide full path to ffpython.exe executable - it is inside \bin folder of FontForge installation.
F:/FontForge/bin/ffpython.exe .\ -h
usage: ffpreviewer [-h] [-i [DIR]] [-k] [-a] [-s GLYPH] FONT_PATH
Simple script to generate font preview files.
positional arguments:
FONT_PATH Path to font.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i [DIR] Generates png file for each glyph in a font to specified DIRectory (uses default folder 'glyphs' if not provided).
-k Generates pdf file containing all kern pairings found in a font.
-a Generates pdf file containing all glyph pairs between all glyphs in a font.
-s GLYPH Generates pdf file containing all glyph pairs for selected character. GLYPH = ascii encoded decimal number of selected glyph.
For -s flag you will need to supply decimal number of glyph (in ascii encoding) you want to have in your .pdf. E.g. it will be 43 (so ffpreviewer -s 43 font.ttf
) for "+" character.
Licensed under MIT License. Copyright (c) 2024 Javnik.