A collection of websites and tools that I find useful in my life.
- DevDocs - Fast, organized, and searchable API documentation
- HTTP Status Codes - Database of HTTP Status Codes with their definitions and helpful code references all in one place
- Repl.it - A quick online IDE for quick coding and collaboration
- CodePen - An online editor for creating and sharing HTTP, CSS, and JS with a live preview
- code2flow - Easy flowcharts expressed as code
- CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife that can parse and/or convert just about anything
- JSBen.ch - JavaScript Benchmark
- Animista - A collection of customizable CSS animations
- Favicon Generator - Generate favicon-related assets for all platforms
- Devhints - Developer cheatsheets
- ColorSpace - Generate color pallets from a color
- uiGradients - A ton of good looking gradients
- Malicious Inputs - A big list of things that may break things
- Nginx Config - A tool that generates Nginx configs
- Forward Email - A free, encrypted, and open-source email forwarding service for custom domains
- Flaticon Pattern Generator - Simple pattern generator
- Hero Patterns - Color-independent SVG background patterns
- IPVoid - Several IP address and networkd tools that might be useful
- VirusTotal - Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community
- Slant - Find what is best for context
- AlternativeTo - Find free alternatives of paid applications
- ConvertCase - A very handy online text tool where you can transform your text.
- Regex101 - Online regex tester and debugger
- VSCode Shortcuts - Visual Studio Code keyboard shortcuts for Windows