Hidden Markov Hawkes Process is probabilistic model proposed in Discovering Topical Interactions in Text-based Cascades using Hidden Markov Hawkes Processes
The cpp file hmhp_EstAll_GroupedWuv.cpp is the code for the HMHP model. To run the model, the input files required are:
- events file
- documents file
- followers map
- indegree and outdegree file for each node
- candidate parents for each event and a file containing exponential time difference value for each candidate parent for each event (this can be precomputed from the events file and followers map):
To compile the code:
To execute the code, argv[1] = BURN-IN, argv[2] = Total No. Of Iterations, argv[3] = path to input files, and argv[4] = path to output files. Code can be executed as follows:
./mainHMHP 200 301 inputFilesOurModel.txt outputFilesOurModel.txt
As we record the inferred parent and topic assignments only at every 10th iteration after the BURN-IN period, the total number of iterations must be greater than 10 and greater than BURN-IN period.
The code outputs various files as follows:
- parent assignment (recorded at every 10th iteration after BURN-IN)
- topic assignment (recorded at every 10th iteration after BURN-IN)
- avg parent assignment (probability of candidate parent event)
- grouped wuv values
After the execution of the above code and once all the files are in place, one can execute the script evaluateHMHP.sh
- Events File: Each line of events file describes an event with 5 space separated values as follows:
event_time user_node parent_event_id topic_id level_info
Documents File: i-th line has a document corresponding to i-th event in the events file. Each document is set of space separated (int) word-ids.
Followers Map: Each line of the followers map is as follows (all the values are space separated):
NumOfFollowers userId followerId-1 followerId-2 ... followerId-M
- Indegree and Outdegree Files: Each line of the both the files has two space separated values:
out/in-degree userId
- Candidate Parents File: Each line contains the information of the candidate parent events for each event. Each line has space separated values as follows:
NumOfCandParents EventId CandParentId_1 CandParentId_2 ... CandParentId_100
- Candidate Parents Exponential Time-difference file: Each line contains the information of the exponential time difference between the candidate current event and the candidate parent event. Each line has space separated values as follows:
NumOfCandParents EventId ExpTimeDiffWithCandParentId_1 ExpTimeDiffWithCandParentId_2 ... ExpTimeDiffWithCandParentId_100
To get the candidate parent files, run the code "getStoreTopKCandParents.cpp". The program takes the events file as input and outputs two files -- one for the candidate parents and other is the exponential time difference file. The program can be run as follows:
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -O2 -g -o getTop100CandParents getStoreTopKCandParents.cpp
./getTop100CandParents pathToEventsFile pathToCandidateParentFile pathToCandidateParentExpTimeDiffFile