This is a Jazzband project. By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines.
Contributions in all forms are welcome, not only code patches. You can contribute by:
- reporting bugs/issues
- triaging reported issues
- improving the documentation
- suggesting enhancements
Of course, if you report a bug or have a feature request, a pull request implementing the fix or feature is much appreciated.
If you decide to submit a patch or implement a feature, please adhere to the quality checks:
- Pull requests must be accompanied by tests. We use
and prefer using this testing style over Django'sdjango.test.TestCase
. - Ideally, documentation updates are included in a pull request.
- Imports are sorted using
, while code is formatted usingblack
. There are tox environments and CI checks in place to check/enforce this. - Follow Django's code style where possible.
- Keep commits atomic - one commit should only concern one topic. Bugfixes typically have one commit for the regression test and one commit with the fix.
After checking out the project (through git clone
), it's advised to set up a
virtualenv with the lowest supported python and Django version.
You can then install the project with all the dev-tools:
pip install -e .[tests,pep8,coverage,docs,release]
Some frontend tooling is needed to:
- NodeJS (for the version, see
, you can usenvm
cd js
nvm use
npm install
npm run build:django-static
npm run build # optional, but a nice check
Running the testapp as dev environment
In Django project's, you are typically expecting a
file. This is less
common in libraries, but it's fairly straightforward to emulate this:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=testapp.settings
django-admin migrate
django-admin createsuperuser
django-admin runserver
You can now start working on your contribution!
Running the tests
Run the tests locally using tox
to verify everything is okay:
This cheat sheet provides some quick tooling/commands lookup while working on the project.
Running tests
In your current environment
or to build the full test matrix
Formatting the code for check-in
black .
isort .
Should be sufficient. Consider using a pre-commit hook to automate this.
Building the docs
cd docs
make html
You can now open the file _build/html/index.html
in your browser.
Generating message catalogs
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=testapp.settings
django-admin makemessages --all
After translating the message, you need to compile the message catalogs:
django-admin compilemessages
Bumping the version/releasing
After updating changelogs etc.
tbump {new-version} --only-patch
cd js
npm version major|minor|patch --no-git-tag-version
cd ..
git commit -am ":bookmark: Bump to version <X.Y.Z>"
git tag -s X.Y.Z
git push origin master --tags