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BayesDLR: Bayesian Inference for the Diagnostic Likelihood Ratio

Josh Betz - Biostatistics Consulting Center ( 2024-02-13 10:52

This repository is for fitting Empirical Bayes Beta Binomial models to prevalence values from two populations. Currently, a single component model and a two-component mixture model are implemented, and are fit using maximum marginal likelihood. Estimation is done using the optimx package.

Using BayesDLR:


First, install the R environment for statistical computing and the Rstudio IDE. This also requires additional packages to be installed from CRAN: this can be done using install.packages() and update.packages() or using the Packages tab of the RStudio IDE. Install the following packages, or check for updates if these packages are already installed:

  • callr - Calling R sessions from within R
  • config - Reading YAML configuration files
  • openssl - SHA256 File hashes for identifying versions of dependencies
  • openxlsx - Writing output in Excel format
  • optimx - Optimization for fitting models
  • tidyverse - Data wrangling and plotting

If you do not use the RStudio Packages pane, you can install and update packages from the command line: the update_packages and ask_to_update parameters can be commented or uncommented depending on your preferences.

required_packages <-
  c("callr", "config", "openssl", "openxlsx", "optimx", "tidyverse")

update_packages <- TRUE # Update installed packages
# update_packages <- FALSE # Do not update any installed packages
ask_to_update <- FALSE # Update all packages
# ask_to_update <- TRUE # Ask for each package

installed_packages <-[,c(1,3:4)])

packages_to_install <-
    x = required_packages,
    y = installed_packages$Package

packages_to_update <-
    x = required_packages,
    y = packages_to_install

if(length(packages_to_install) > 0){
    pkgs = packages_to_install

if(update_packages & (length(packages_to_update) > 0)){
    ask = ask_to_update

In Rstudio, go to File > New Project > Version Control > Git. In the repository URL, enter Leave the project directory name as BayesDLR. Select a directory to ‘clone’ (i.e. download) the repository: this directory will become the “project root directory”, denoted as project_root in code. Click the “Create Project” button. RStudio will download the repository from GitHub into the folder you specified. In this folder, you should see the following folder structure:

  • (project_root)
    • BayesDLR
      • analyses
      • code
      • data
      • results

The Workflow

Step 1. Supply Raw Data File

Related data and analyses for a research project are grouped together in subfolders, specified by the variable data_subfolder. There is a project for demonstration entitled "example_1" that is built into the repository. In the "\BayesDLR\data" subfolder, you’ll see an "example_1" subfolder: inside this is a "raw_data" subfolder with two example datasets in .CSV format:

  • BayesDLR\data\example_1\raw_data\
    • example_1_component_v1_240110.csv
    • example_1_component_v2_240110.csv

Step 2. Configure the Analysis

Once raw data has been put in the \BayesDLR\data\(project name)\raw_data subfolder, go to the \BayesDLR folder and open 1_configure_analysis.r.

  • Set data_subfolder to (project name)
    • For the first example, data_subfolder <- "example_1".
  • Set input_data_file to the file name that will be used as input. If the input is an Excel sheet (.xls or .xlsx) formats, specify the sheet to be loaded using input_data_sheet.
    • For the first example, input_data_file <- "example_1_component_v1_240110.csv" - since this is a .csv and not an Excel format, input_sheet_name is ignored.
  • Set the data version name: this is a shortened name that is used to name processed data and analyses. Since this helps link the raw file with the processed data and analyses, make sure this label is descriptive.
    • For the first example, data_version_name <- "V1-240110" for Version 1 of the data, created on 2024-01-10.
  • Set the threshold for relative sample sizes ($r_k$): for more information on this, see the role of sample sizes in the Beta Binomial Model
    • For the first example, r_k_threshold <- 0.10 - The threshold is 10%
  • Set the names of the columns in the input file: this includes the row_id, a label for the data in each row, and the numerator and denominator for cases and controls.
    • For the first example:
      • row_id <- "event"
      • case_denominator <- "n_1"
      • case_count <- "y_1"
      • control_denominator <- "n_0"
      • control_count <- "y_0"
  • (Optional) Set a name for the variable which flags data for inclusion, and the values indicating inclusion. If the data do not have such a flag, set to NULL.
    • For the first example: flag_column <- "flag" and flags_include <- "include" - Any rows where flag does not match "include" are removed from analytic data.
  • Specify random number generator (RNG) seeds: this allows you to reproduce the same random number streams used in an earlier analysis. If set to NULL, a new RNG seed is generated from the current state of the RNG, and saved so analyses can be reproduced.

Once these parameters have been set, run the code. If successful, you should see a message similar to:

Successfully wrote V1-240110_r_k_10_pct.yml to ..\BayesDLR\analyses\example_1. Proceed to 2_run_analysis.R

This indicates that the configuration file V1-240110_r_k_10_pct.yml was created: This is a plain-text file that the workflow uses to run and summarize analyses.

Step 3: Process Data and Run Analyses

Once the configuration file is created for the analysis, open 2_run_analysis.r. Set the same values of data_subfolder, data_version_name, and r_k_threshold supplied earlier: This tells the workflow the path to the configuration file: ..\BayesDLR\analysis\(data_subfolder)\(data_version_name)_r_k_(r_k_threshold)_pct.yml.

This file contains all the information needed to carry out the analysis, so it does not need to be re-entered.

By default, the workflow will stop if errors are identified in data marked for inclusion: If you identify any issues in the data, they should be checked before proceeding: stop_on_data_error <- TRUE. To proceed with analyses after excluding erroneous data, make sure stop_on_data_error <- FALSE is not commented out.

The configuration file is used to read in the data, select the relevant columns, check for errors, and write out the processed data to the ..\BayesDLR\data\(data_subfolder)\processed_data subfolder. The files will be named (data_subfolder)-(V1-data_version_name)_processed_v0.0.Rdata (Rdata file) and (data_subfolder)-(V1-data_version_name)_processed_v0.0.xlsx (Excel format). In the example analysis, this becomes example_1-V1-240110_processed_v0.0.Rdata and example_1-V1-240110_processed_v0.0.xlsx.

If any errors are encountered in the data, the workflow will either stop or issue a warning, depending on stop_on_data_error. The example dataset yields gives:

Warning message: Data entry errors detected in input file. File: ../BayesDLR/data/example_1/raw_data/example_1_component_v1_240110.csv Rows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13


This indicates that the data were successfully processed, but errors were found. These can be seen in tab 4. Invalid data in the Excel output.

Analysis results are stored in ../BayesDLR/results/(data_subfolder) in R and Excel files named with data_subfolder, data_version_name, and r_k_threshold.

Try it For Yourself

There is a second version of the example_1 dataset in .csv without the errors: it is marked v2 for version 2. Try steps 2-3 for this new file. There is also an Excel format dataset for example_1: try steps 2-3 for the Excel spreadsheet.

There is also an example_2 in .csv and .xlsx formats: try steps 2-3 on these files as well.

When you are ready to use your own data, rename the new_project folder and follow steps 1-3 to analyze it.

The Analysis

The prevalence ratio of exposure given disease status is a measure of association comparing the prevalence of an exposure in a population with a condition to the prevalence of an exposure in a population without that condition.

$$PR_{E \vert D} = \frac{Pr(\text{Exposed} | \text{Disease})}{Pr(\text{Exposed}|\text{No Disease})}$$ For example, if the exposure is a genetic variant that’s considered a potential diagnostic marker or test $T$, the prevalence ratio of the exposure in those with the disease to those without is the same as the positive diagnostic likelihood ratio:

$$LR_{+} = \frac{Pr{T+ \vert D+}}{Pr{T+ \vert D-}} = \frac{\text{sensitivity}}{1 - \text{specificity}}$$

2x2 Table

This can be obtained using a 2x2 table, where $n_{0k}$ controls are tested for variant $k$, yielding $Y_{0k}$ positives, and where $n_{1k}$ cases are tested, yielding $Y_{1k}$ positives, with $T_{k} = Y_{0k} + Y_{1k}$ total positives.

Variant Cases Controls Total
Variant $k$ $Y_{0k} = A$ $Y_{1k} = B$ $T_{k} = A + B$
Other Variants $n_{0k} - Y_{0k} = C$ $n_{1k} - Y_{1k} = D$ $n_{0} + n_{1} - T_{k} = C + D$
Total $n_{0k} = A + C$ $n_{1k} = B + D$

Statistical Model

When we have a fixed sample size of $n$ independent individuals, each from a population with prevalence $\pi$, we can model the number of prevalent cases in this sample using the binomial likelihood model:

$$Y \sim Bin(n, \pi): , Pr(Y = y|n, \pi) = {n \choose y} \pi^{y} (1 - \pi)^{n-y}$$ This binomial likelihood can be approximated using a Poisson distribution with rate parameter $\lambda = n\pi$ if $n$, the number of observations, is large and $\pi_{k}$, the probability (i.e. prevalence), is small.

$$Y \sim Poisson(\lambda = n\pi): , Pr(Y = y|n, \pi) = \frac{(n\pi)^{y} e^{-n\pi}}{y!}$$ We can model the proportion of type $k$ variants that arose from cases out of the the total number of type $k$ variants observed, denoted $\theta_{k}$, using a binomial distribution:

$$Y_{0k} \sim Poisson(n_{0k}\pi_{0k}), , Y_{1k} \sim Poisson(n_{1k}\pi_{1k}); \quad Y_{0k} \perp Y_{1k}; \quad \left(Y_{1k} \vert Y_{0k} + Y_{1k} = T_{k}\right) \sim Bin(T_{k}, \theta_{k}),$$

where $\theta_{k} = (n_{1k}\pi_{1k})/(n_{1k}\pi_{1k} + n_{0k}\pi_{0k})$, the rate of occurrences in cases divided by the total rate of occurrences (the sum of the rates in cases and controls).

Note that since $\theta_{k}$ is a proportion: $0 \le \theta_{k} \le1$. We are interested in obtaining the prevalence ratio $\gamma_{k} = \pi_{1k}/\pi_{0k}$, where $0 &lt; \gamma_{k}$. We can infer about this quantity by using a transformation.

The Role of Sample Sizes

Let $r_{k} = n_{1k}/n_{0k}$ denote the ratio of the sample size of cases relative to controls. Dividing the numerator and denominator again by $n_{0k}$, the control sample size, gives:

$$\theta_{k} = \frac{n_{1k}\gamma_{k}/n_{0k}}{n_{1k}\gamma_{k}/n_{0k} + n_{0k}/n_{0k}} = \frac{r_{k}\gamma_{k}}{r_{k}\gamma_{k} + 1}$$

Parameterizing the model this way allows the modeling multiple variants, allowing for variation in sample sizes across different variants, as long as their ratio of sample sizes for any given variant $r_{k}$ is comparable.

Since $\theta_{k} = r_{k}\gamma_{k}/(r_{k}\gamma_{k} + 1)$, we can rearrange this to get back to the prevalence ratio: $\gamma_{k} = \frac{1}{r_{k}} \frac{\theta_{k}}{(1 - \theta_{k})}$.

So we infer about $\theta_{k}$, and then use the above transformation to obtain the prevalence ratio $\gamma_{k}.$ Note that this transformation depends on the relative samples sizes $r_{k} = n_{1k}/n_{0k}$.

If the relative sample sizes are all equal, this transformation is identical. When the relative sample sizes vary, this transformation is not the same for all observations. This is why observations with very different relative sample size are exclude from analyses.

Checking Output

The full output is written to an .Rdata file, with detailed output in an .xlsx file. Users should check the model parameters before attempting to interpret model output. Particular attention should be paid to the two component mixture model. Unusually large values of the M-parameter (the ‘prior sample size’) or extremely small value of epsilon (the mixing coefficient) could indicate problems with model fitting. Parameters are constrained by default to be between -30 and 30 on the logit or log scale, except the mixing coefficient, which is constrained between -30 and 0 (i.e. below 50%). Constraints can be reset by the user. Users should check that parameters do not converge on the boundary of the parameter space.

Since the two-component model is fit from a grid of starting values, analysts should look to see whether there are large differences in model fits based on the starting values, and consider whether different starting values may be more appropriate.

Maximum marginal likelihood results can also be compared to a full Bayesian model fit using Stan.


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