This repo contains a few tips and tricks for "fixing" an OS X installation to my preferences.
defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true
defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean true
killall Dock
Why? The OS X dashboard gets in the way of switching desktops with CTRL-LEFT.
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
Why? OS X (specifically, Finder) will create a .DS_Store in every single directory you open in Finder.
This remembers the state of the Finder window (e.g. what folders are expanded, etc).
Two problems with this:
- It pollutes your network share.
- If the folder state is complex, over a slow link, the initial "connect to server" can appear to freeze for several minutes.
No matter whether accessed via smb://
or cifs://
, or whether using Finder or the terminal, all SMB/CIFS access to a Windows 8 share was unusably slow.
sudo dmesg
showed some of the following (truncated for Google):
smb_fid_get_kernel_fid: No smb2 fid found for fid ...
smb_iod_reconnect: Reconnected share ...
Finally fixed by adding the following to ~/Library/Preferences/nsmb.conf