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Configure influxdb output plugin

jbouwh edited this page May 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Here you can find the general settings for thr InfluxDB output plugin. They nee to be set in se section output.influxdb:.

The InfluxDB plugin allows authentication and is tested. There is also an option for jwt_token authentication. Please let me know if this works, since I did not test this yet.

To enable the plugin, additional you need to configure the output key at the section plugins:. Omnikdatalogger can log solar and DSMR data. Also the calculated data, such as 'direct use' can be logged. Only available elements can be logged to influx. Influx has the following core elements:

  • measurement
  • tags
  • value

For the available fields in the data set, the tags used, measurement and name can be customized by changing data_fields.json. Always make a copy when you are about to customize this file. Click here for more information on customizing data_fields.json.

Example from data_fields.json:

    "current_power": {
        "name": "Current power",
        "dev_cla": "power",
        "ic": "chart-bell-curve",
        "unit": "W",
        "measurement": "power",
        "tags": { "power_class": "ac" },
        "filter": "",
        "asset": "omnik"

Related to InfluxDB the following key's affect the output logging to InfluxDB:

Key output in InfluxDB
key (E.g. current_power) entity tag to the data series
name will be added as name tag to the data series
unit will be used as measurement in the data series
tags will be added as supplied.
asset will be added as asset tag in the data series. Do not change this tag unless you know what you do. Changing this tag can break the logging of data.

Further the asset identifier fields are added to the data series. E.g. the asset key in the example is omnik. The identifier keys are set at the attributes: section with key asset.omnik. The default identifier fields for asset.omnik are inverter, plant_id, last_update. These will be tagged to the data series.