p5.anaglyph is a p5.js library for creating 3D (anaglyph) scenes and images using red/cyan glasses. Uses Dubois anaglyph algorithm & color matrices.
Created by Jenna deBoisblanc.
NOTE - for red/cyan glasses, the most common method is red on the left eye and blue on the right eye.
- basic demo
- terrain
- tunnel
- text
- 3D .obj model
- anaglyph from stereo left/right images
- p5.js instance mode
In the index.html
NOTE - there may be issues with caching and jsdelivr depending upon if I've made changes recently; if something breaks, you can find the library p5.anaglyph.min.js
in the dist folder.
<script src="https://cdn.statically.io/gh/jdeboi/p5.anaglyph/main/dist/p5.anaglyph.min.js"></script>
In the sketch.js
let anaglyph;
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight, WEBGL);
anaglyph = createAnaglyph(this);
function draw() {
// this is the logic of the scene
// all usual methods from draw(), but call on the
// pGraphics parameter pg
function scene(pg) {
pg.rotateY(frameCount / 200);
Code adapted from:
Other links: