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This tool helps setup and deploy an enterprise of compute nodes and users with various roles, domains, etc. Also included is the ability to simulate workloads on the deployed infrastructure.


Site Configuration

Written in python and assumes to be running on Linux with ssh access to the nodes created, make sure you have dependencies setup properly:

$ ./
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The deploy scripts use Designate to handle DNS resolution, required for the Shibboleth workflow.
Shibboleth and Moodle will not work without the proper DNS resolution.

Infrastructure Setup

Then, you can deploy and configure an enterprise:

$ ./ -c cloud-config.json -e enterprise-tiny.json
$ ./ deploy-output.json

This deploys the infrastructure, setups up domain controllers, etc. Output is written to deploy-output.json and post-deploy-output.json.
These files needs to be passed to later stages. If fails, it is OK to re-run and see if the failure was temporary (e.g., a remote repository being unavailable or a network interference issue).

Some sample enterprises are included. See for more details about these files and how to create your own.

Sample cloud configurations are included (e.g., mtx.json and shen.json). These are for two Openstack deployments at UVA. While this is setup to support any cloud infrastructure to deploy an enterprise, only Openstack is currently supported. See for more details about writing your own configuration.

To sanity check that your ssh keys and DNS are configured properly, you should be able to ping the various machines setup in your cloud config and enterprise config files, as well as ssh without a password into Linux VMs.

For example, if the enterprise_url field in your cloud config is castle.os, and you have a Linux machine named linep1 in your enterprise config, you should be able to:

  1. ping linep1.castle.os
  2. nslookup <name>.castle.os # where name is any machine name defined in your enterprise config file
  3. ssh ubuntu@linep1.castle.os


Next, you can generate logins for the deployed infrastrcuture:

$ ./  user-roles/user-roles.json enterprise-configs/enterprise-tiny.json

This generates users and estimates a login behavior for these users based on settings in the enterprise.json file and user-roles.json file via a stocastic simulation.
See additional details on the user-roles in Output is written to logins.json, used in later stages.

If you also want to emulate logins (next section), you will also need to install users into the enterprise. You can do that by adding the enterprise description created when deploying the enterprise to the simulate-logins command.

$ ./  user-roles/user-roles.json enterprise-configs/web-wf.json post-deploy-output.json


Next, you can emulate the simulated logins:

$ ./  post-deploy-output.json logins.json 

If you want to do "fast" emulation for debugging, you can add the --fast-debug option. You may also want to tell python not to buffer the output and redirect all output to a file:

$ python -u ./  post-deploy-output.json logins.json  --fast-debug 2>&1 |tee workflow.log

If you want to specify a seed for more deterministic emulation results:

$ python -u ./  post-deploy-output.json logins.json  --fast-debug --seed 42 2>&1 |tee workflow.log


Lastly, cleanup/destroy the infrastructure:

./ output.json

Caution: this destroy/deletes all nodes and infrastructures that were setup in prior steps. Use with caution.


Most python scripts have a "verbose" variable near the top of the file.
If you're having trouble with some aspect of the deployment, etc., you can try turning that on to see if verbose output is helpful with the problem. Also, by default setup happens in parallel, and the script has a use_parallel option that can be used to do sequential setup, which far improves the ability to debug at the expense of significantly more setup time.

Deploying in Vanderbilt CAGE2 infrastructure.


In the openstack project you'll be using for the Moodle workflow, you'll need to allocate a node on which to run the deployment and provisioning. To do this do the following:

  • Currently, we have created a new network in openstack (green-network), and a new subnet ( - green-subnet) in this network.

    NOTE: Be sure there is a DNS nameserver in the subnet, and set it with the following command:

    openstack subnet set --dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver-ip-address>

  • In this new subnet, we created a new instance using the Ubuntu22.04 image (a minimal Ubuntu 22.04 image), and called the image workflow-manager.

In the ubuntu account (i.e. the default user account) of the workflow-manager host:

  • Copy the following files into the account:

    1. The private key you use to access github into the .ssh directory (which is under the ubuntu user's home directory).
    2. The castle-control private key from the project into the .ssh directory as well. It is located at:

      NOTE: BEFORE COPYING THE castle-control KEY, MAKE SURE IT IS IN RSA FORMAT. If it is not in RSA format, use the following command to convert it:

      ssh-keygen -p -N "" -m PEM -f <path-to-castle-control-key>

    3. The <openstack-project-name> file, which used to authenticate openstack shell commands to openstack, into the ubuntu user's home directory. <openstack-project-name> is the name of the openstack project you're using for the Moodle workflow.
  • EVERY TIME YOU LOG IN you will need to execute the following commands:

    . ~/<openstack-project-name>
    eval $(ssh-agent)
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/castle-control

or put them in the .bashrc file.

Now, execute the following commands:

mkdir -p Git
cd Git
git clone
cd uva-cs-auth-workflow-openstack

NOTE: You may have to checkout a particular branch, i.e.

git checkout <branch-name>

Running deployment:

To run deployment, run

./ <arguments>

as above.

Once finishe successfully, it should render output similar to that below

Setting up nodes.
  Registering windows on dc1
  ipv4 addr (control):
  ipv4 addr (game):
  password: 2n0A1db40MYy3DdDPdd7
  Registering windows on dc2
  ipv4 addr (control):
  ipv4 addr (game):
  password: wS8cVHIjJBHyN65vchwi
  Registering windows on winep1
  ipv4 addr (control):
  ipv4 addr (game):
  password: yolcnB2f1arqlaLXByld

THESE PASSWORDS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. Below is a table of the hosts and their corrsponding passwords according to this output:

hostname password
dc1 2n0A1db40MYy3DdDPdd7
dc2 wS8cVHIjJBHyN65vchwi
winep1 yolcnB2f1arqlaLXByld

For each of these hosts, do the following:

  1. Log in to the host:

    ssh -l administrator <hostname>
  2. Enter the password for the host when prompted.

  3. A command-prompt will execute once you've logged in to the host. Execute a powershell by executing the powershell command:

  4. Execute the ipconfig command:


    It will render output similar to the following:

    Windows IP Configuration
    Ethernet adapter <NETADAPTER NAME>:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : <DNS SUFFIX>
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : XXXX::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX%4
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
  5. Using the <NETADAPTER-NAME> from the output of the ipconfig command above, execute the following command:

    rename-netadapter -name <NETADAPTER-NAME> -newname "Ethernet Instance 0"
  6. Enter the exit command to exit the powershell:

  7. Enter the exit command again to exit the command-prompt and log out of the host:

  • Run to get a post-deploy-output.json.
    Use a enterprise configuration file that matches the VU deployment you wish to run the workflow on. (E.g. cage2-ssh for the ssh workflow, or cage2-shib for the shib and Moodle workflows.) Run to remove all nodes.

  • Clone

  • Check out the develop branch, follow the README to deploy and provision the CAGE2 environment (including the UVA workflow stacks). Make sure you follow the section at the end of the README about deploying workflows.

  • Log into the "workflow" VM, and clone this repository.

  • Copy the post-deploy-output.json from the first step to the workflow VM. Modify it such that the addresses array matches the CAGE2 addresses assigned in the heat template. This modification can be done manually by adding the control and game IPs to the addresses array in the JSON for each machine in the game.
    For cage2, this can be done with the convenience script called

cd /path/to/uva-workflows
./ ../../castle-vm/CreateVMs/VelociraptorVMs/secrets/castle-control
cd /path/to/castle-vm
ssh-keygen -f "/home/jdh8d/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "workflow.castle.os"
scp -i CreateVMs/VelociraptorVMs/secrets/castle-control CreateVMs/VelociraptorVMs/secrets/castle-control ubuntu@workflow.castle.os:~/.ssh
scp -i CreateVMs/VelociraptorVMs/secrets/castle-control ~/.ssh/id_rsa ubuntu@workflow.castle.os:~/.ssh
scp -i CreateVMs/VelociraptorVMs/secrets/castle-control ../uva_workflows/uva-cs-auth-workflow-openstack/deploy-output-vu-cage2.json ubuntu@workflow.castle.os:~/deploy-output.json 
ssh -i CreateVMs/VelociraptorVMs/secrets/castle-control ubuntu@workflow.castle.os
git clone workflow
mv deploy-output.json  workflow
cd workflow
git checkout -b pi_meeting_oct_2024
mv ~/.ssh/castle-control ~/.ssh/id_rsa
./ deploy-output.json

  • Set up DNS entries for the key machines (dc1.castle.os, service.castle.os, identity.castle.os). DNS entries should point at the game addresses, not the control addresses.
    (TODO: Automate this leverage the the heat templates from the castle-vm repo.
    While I can do this with designate automatically, I'm not sure that works for VU yet.)

  • Run with the modified post-deploy-output.json to configure the HEAT-template deployed nodes.

  • Simulate and emulate logins from the workflow VM as per normal (described above).


It's python code, debug with your favorite debugger. However, it's worth noting that most files have a "verbose" global variable so you can turn on verbose logging output for that file only. Further, there is a use_parallel in the post-deploy script to sequentialize the deployment of nodes, which makes the verbose output much clearer.

Almost all input/output from remote machines is captured to the output file of every step. You can load the output file into any JSON viewer (recommend something like Firefox) and browse to output for each step. These outputs can help diagnose connection issues, etc.

Collecting Metrics

After you run a workflow (and assuming you re-directed output to workflow.log), you can compute availability metrics:

./ workflow.log

The output should look like:

=== Metrics for ssh linux
SSH-linux: availability=1.0000
SSH-linux: num_started=5
SSH-linux: num_success=4
SSH-linux: num_err=0

=== Metrics for ssh windows
SSH-windows: availability=1.0000
SSH-windows: num_started=2
SSH-windows: num_success=2
SSH-windows: num_err=0

=== Metrics for ssh windows and linux
SSH: availability=1.0000
SSH: num_started=7
SSH: num_success=6
SSH: num_err=0

=== Metrics for Moodle
Workflow Moodle: availability=.8000
Workflow Moodle: num_started=5
Workflow Moodle: num_success=4
Workflow Moodle: num_err=1

=== Metrics for Moodle by steps
Workflow Moodle steps: availability=.9642
Workflow Moodle steps: num_started=28
Workflow Moodle steps: num_success=27
Workflow Moodle steps: num_err=0

Computing additional metrics

Workflow statistics are emitted as the emulation runs. They are of the form:

{"timestamp": "2024-12-13T16:38:52.048017", "workflow_name": "Moodle", "status": "start", "message": "Starting step BrowseCourse:CGC", "hostname": "linep1", "pid": 13828, "step_name": "BrowseCourse:CGC"}
{"timestamp": "2024-12-13T16:38:55.035040", "workflow_name": "Moodle", "status": "start", "message": "Starting step BrowseCourse:MoodlePDF", "hostname": "linep1", "pid": 13828, "step_name": "BrowseCourse:MoodlePDF"}
{"timestamp": "2024-12-13T16:38:59.042169", "workflow_name": "Moodle", "status": "success", "message": "Step BrowseCourse:MoodlePDF successful", "hostname": "linep1", "pid": 13828, "step_name": "BrowseCourse:MoodlePDF"}
{"timestamp": "2024-12-13T16:39:05.555751", "workflow_name": "Moodle", "status": "success", "message": "Step BrowseCourse:CGC successful", "hostname": "linep1", "pid": 13828, "step_name": "BrowseCourse:CGC"}
{"timestamp": "2024-12-13T16:39:05.557954", "workflow_name": "Moodle", "status": "start", "message": "Starting step BrowseCourse:RAMPART", "hostname": "linep1", "pid": 13828, "step_name": "BrowseCourse:RAMPART"}
{"timestamp": "2024-12-13T16:39:08.408369", "workflow_name": "Moodle", "status": "success", "message": "Step BrowseCourse:RAMPART successful", "hostname": "linep1", "pid": 13828, "step_name": "BrowseCourse:RAMPART"}

There are two kinds of stats collected: (1) workflow-level, (2) workflow but at the step level. The step-level workflows have a step_name defined, whereas the workflow level stats do not.

To go beyond the availability metrics reported by, highly recommend to write a python program to ingest all the JSON-formatted stats in the log file, e.g., in workflow.log


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