output: generate a new user table by calling user_info for each user url on the user url list or appending to exisiting user table.
output: the html of the full page after scrolling down to the bottom of page (including clicking the load more button)
output: a list of information of the project page, including cleanedProjectURL,project_id, user_id, title, published_time, likes, views, num_comments, tags_list,license, text, permalnks, user_url_list
output: return a list of href links on that url that has this div_type, inner_type, and ad_class_name
all the file that end with _work_scrape.py or card_scrape.py (such as product_work_scrape, post_work_scrape, and id_card_scrape) are used to scrape projects for specific cards types on Behance.net.