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Kubernetes Introduction Workshop


First, if you want to run the commands in your machine, follow this tutorial and install all parts.


I've implemented a simple NodeJS application. See /app folder to more details. Just run docker-compose up to start NodeJS server.

I've generated two Docker images(versions) of the application, I've just changed the version value from v1 to v2.

$ docker build -t jeanpsv/devops-days-bh-kubernetes-introduction:v1 --build-arg APP_VERSION=v1 --build-arg INSTANCE_NAME=only-child --build-arg SECRET_KEY=my-awesome-secret-key --build-arg PORT=4000 .
$ docker build -t jeanpsv/devops-days-bh-kubernetes-introduction:v2 --build-arg APP_VERSION=v2 --build-arg INSTANCE_NAME=only-child --build-arg SECRET_KEY=my-awesome-secret-key --build-arg PORT=4000 .

ps: I've pushed the images to this Docker Registry.

if you want to run it on Docker, just do:

$ docker pull jeanpsv/devops-days-bh-kubernetes-introduction:v1
$ docker run --rm -p 4000:4000 jeanpsv/devops-days-bh-kubernetes-introduction:v1 npm start



Start minikube:

$ minikube start

Ensure that your kubectl are configured to Minikube context ($HOME/.kube/config):

$ kubectl config use-context minikube

Kubernetes simple recipes

Let's create a namespace:

$ kubectl apply -f simple/namespace.yaml

check namespace's list with: kubectl get ns,kubectl get namespace or kubectl get namespaces

Let's create a service to application:

$ kubectl apply -f simple/app-service.yaml

run kubectl get svc -n simple-example to see the list of services and kubectl describe svc devops-service -n simple-example to see details.

Let's deploy the application:

$ kubectl apply -f simple/app-deployment.yaml

now you can run:

  1. kubectl get deploy -n simple-example to see the deployment's list
  2. kubectl get pods -n simple-example to see the pod's list
  3. kubectl describe deploy devops-deployment -n simple-example to see the deployment's details

Run minikube service list to see available services' ip and then, make a request to ${ip_address}/info.

Now, let's update the application:

$ kubectl set image deployment/devops-deployment app=jeanpsv/devops-days-bh-kubernetes-introduction:v2 -n simple-example

Delete all the resources applied with kubectl delete ns simple-example

Kubernetes full recipes

See more in full/ folder.


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