For now this is just a little Bazard for some on my Seaside components. If I have many I might push it in the seaside community.
This project is supported at least in Pharo 5 and 6.
Install in your Pharo image:
Metacello new
githubUser: 'jecisc' project: 'SeasideComponents' commitish: 'master' path: 'src';
baseline: 'SeasideComponents';
Add to your project configuration:
baseline: 'SeasideComponents'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://jecisc/SeasideComponents:master/src' ]
baseline: 'SeasideComponents'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://jecisc/SeasideComponents:development/src' ]
Then includes the file library to your application.
(WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: 'myApplication')
addLibrary: JQDeploymentLibrary;
addLibrary: MDLLibrary;
addLibrary: SCLibrary
Those components depend on the Material Design Lite project and implements some components are not covered by the Material Design
The components should all work as a normal Seaside component. All components have some examples in there class comments.
I order to use the components you should define some colors specific rules for your application in your css. To do so, just define:
box-shadow: inset 0px -4px 0px 0px #XXXXXX !important;
is the hex code of the accent color of your MDL application.
To find your code you can select the #500 color in the following page:
The pagination widget allow the user to easily paginate some content on his page. You can either use it to just manage the pages then use the #currentPage to manage your page on the refresh or pass a block that will have the responsibility to update your page with some ajax.
Here is a screen of the component in use:
For more information look at the class comment of SCPaginationWidget
| myColl |
myColl := 1 to: 150.
(SCPaginationComponent numberOfPages: [ myColl size / 24 roundUpTo: 1 ]) "Note the use of a block. If my collection change, the number of pages will be updated."
adjacentsPagesToShow: 3;
Using Ajax to refresh the page:
numberOfPages: [ self numbersOfPages ]
updateBlock: [ :s :html |
(s << (html jQuery id: #'main-content') load)
html: [ :ajaxHtml | self renderMainContentOn: ajaxHtml ];
onComplete: 'componentHandler.upgradeDom();' ] "The onComplete will update réinitialize the MDL elements"