A Google Script that via scraping the Avanza network traffic returns a stocks lastprice or a funds latest known NAV, reachable by custom functions in Google Spreadsheet
Theese instructions will help you set up the script, and use it in for example Google Spreadsheet
None really, all is done in the browser
Open up the Spreadsheet you want to use the functions in
Head to Tools -> Script Editor
Copy and paste the code in code.gs (or download code.gj and go "file -> open -> locate code.gs on your computer")
Go to Triggers (the clock) -> add trigger
Choose lastPrice as function to run, and On Open as event type -> Save
Add trigger -> choose nav as function to run an on Open as event type -> Save
Use the functions as follows:
Where id is the ID that Avanza provides in the URL.
Where id is the ID that Avanza provides in the URL