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Jeff Eberl edited this page Aug 12, 2017 · 21 revisions

Developer Info

Sandify is a community project, and anyone who wants to help can.

The basics components of Sandify are:

  • Input shapes/designs
  • Filters/safety mechinisms (like the code that limits the patterns to the sizes of the machine).
  • Output formatters

Sandify can use a lot of help in these areas:

  • Creating new input designs. You might find something that would be a good design, or you might have an idea and want to implement it, or you might have a fix or improvement to one of the existing designs.
  • Bug finding/testing. With more users, more computers, more scenarios, new problems will arise. Please find these, and report as much as you can as a github issue.
  • Output types/improvements. There are a lot of machines that we don't own (big surprise). Did you do something different to get it to work on your machine? Do you want the output as an image for another project? You can help by sharing use cases and helping develop new outputs.
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