- A containerize WordPress development environment using Docker
- Automated setup of WodPress using Make commands for less dependent on using browsers
- Multiple installation & activation of themes or plugins in local, wordpress repository or other valid repositories
- Auto cleanup of default wordpress themes, plugins, posts & pages
- (OPTIONAL) Webpack build setup ready for development & production modes
- Auto reloading of the page for custom theme using Browsersync or Hot Module Replacement
- Bootstrap 4 framework setup ready
- Assets(js, css, fonts, image) optimization
- MariaDB/MySQL - used for Wordpress database
- Adminer - database management system to connect to your MariaDB database & it also an alternative for phpMyAdmin
- WP-Cli: - Wordpress Command Line Interface
- Makefile - directives for automatization.
- Chocolatey - for installing GNU Make in Windows machine
- Docker
- GNU Make
- Git Bash
NOTE: These tools are optional for using webpack bundler.
- Node.js - for NPM
- Webpack
Visit official website for installation below:
Open poweshell.exe & run as an administrator.
Goto https://chocolatey.org and check the powershell command in step 2 or just copy & paste the command below.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
Close the poweshell. Open & run it again as an administrator.
Install the gnu make by running the command.
choco install make
Done!. You can now use make globally.
Open terminal or commandline to download the source using git.
# Download a wordpress docker-compose example git clone https://github.com/jeffmlazo/docker-wordpress
Change to the directory.
# Change directory cd docker-wordpress
Edit the .env file base in you're configuration.
NOTE: If you're adding a downloaded zip file theme(s) or plugin(s) for the 1st time of installation in you're local machine. You must manually create a folder that has a name WordPressThemes & create another folder inside of it with plugins folder in you're home directory and put all you're themes & plugins inside of it. You can modify the default folder names as well if you like.
# 1/ Project name ------------------------------------------------- # Must be lower-case, no spaces and no invalid path chars. # Will be used also as the WP database name COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=wordpress # 2/ Database user, user password and root password ----------------------------------------- # Set non-root database user if wanted (optional) DB_USER=user DB_PASSWORD=password DB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_password DB_NAME=wordpress_db # 3/ For wordpress auto-install and auto-configuration ------------------- WORDPRESS_WEBSITE_TITLE="My Personal Blog" WORDPRESS_TABLE_PREFIX="wp_" # URL WORDPRESS_WEBSITE_URL="http://localhost" WORDPRESS_WEBSITE_URL_WITHOUT_HTTP=localhost WORDPRESS_WEBSITE_POST_URL_STRUCTURE="/blog/%postname%/" # Website admin identification. Specify a strong password WORDPRESS_ADMIN_USER="wordpress" WORDPRESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD="wordpress" WORDPRESS_ADMIN_EMAIL="your-email@example.com" # 4/ Software versions ----------------------------------------------- WORDPRESS_VERSION="latest" MARIADB_VERSION="latest" PHPMYADMIN_VERSION="latest" ADMINER_VERSION="latest" # 5/ Ports: Can be changed ------------------------------------------- ADMINER_PORT=8080 WORDPRESS_PORT=80 MARIADB_PORT=3306 # 6/ Volumes on host -------------------------------------------------- #-------------------- DEFAULT FOLDERS --------------------# WORDPRESS_THEME_FOLDER="WordPressThemes" WORDPRESS_THEME_PLUGIN_FOLDER="plugins" #-------------------- WORDPRESS LOCAL, THEME & PLUGIN DIRECTORY --------------------# WORDPRESS_LOCAL_DIR="./wordpress" WORDPRESS_THEME_LOCAL_DIR="~/${WORDPRESS_THEME_FOLDER}" WORDPRESS_THEME_PLUGIN_LOCAL_DIR="~/${WORDPRESS_THEME_FOLDER}/${WORDPRESS_THEME_PLUGIN_FOLDER}" #-------------------- CONTAINER ROOT DIRECTORY --------------------# WORDPRESS_CONTAINER_DIR="/var/www/html" WORDPRESS_THEME_CONTAINER_ROOT_DIR="/${WORDPRESS_THEME_FOLDER}" WORDPRESS_THEME_PLUGIN_CONTAINER_ROOT_DIR="/${WORDPRESS_THEME_FOLDER}/${WORDPRESS_THEME_PLUGIN_FOLDER}" # 7/ Healthcheck availability of host services (mysql and woordpress server) # Waiting time in second WAIT_BEFORE_HOSTS=5 WAIT_AFTER_HOSTS=5 WAIT_HOSTS_TIMEOUT=300 WAIT_SLEEP_INTERVAL=60 WAIT_HOST_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5 # 8/ Used only in online deployment -------------------------------------- WORDPRESS_WEBSITE_URL_WITHOUT_WWW=example.com WEBSITE_URL_WITHOUT_HTTP=sql.example.com # 9/ Wordpress Themes, Plugins, Posts & Pages -------------------------------------- # NOTE: Spaces are case sensitive here 1 space needed per theme or plugin for local or repo and .zip extension is needed for local theme & plugins. #-------------------- THEMES & PLUGINS --------------------# WORDPRESS_LOCAL_THEMES="unos.2.7.2.zip" WORDPRESS_REPO_THEMES="sydney calliope newsberg" # WORDPRESS_REPO_THEMES_VERSION="2.7.2 1.0.2 0.7" #TODO: version flag is not yet working WORDPRESS_LOCAL_PLUGINS="all-in-one-wp-migration.6.82.zip all-in-one-wp-migration-file-extension.zip carousel-slider.zip" WORDPRESS_REPO_PLUGINS="contact-form-7" #-------------------- DEFAULT THEMES, PLUGINS, POSTS & PAGES --------------------# WORDPRESS_DEFAULT_THEMES="twentytwenty twentynineteen twentyseventeen twentysixteen" WORDPRESS_DEFAULT_PLUGINS="hello akismet" # Hello world! post & Sample & Privacy Policy page WORDPRESS_DEFAULT_POSTS_PAGES="1 2 3" # 10/ For webpack setup variables CUSTOM_THEME_FOLDER="underscore-custom-theme" CUSTOM_THEME_DISTRIBUTION_FOLDER="dist" CUSTOM_THEME_FONTS_FOLDER="fonts" # These variables are only used in the root main Makefile # Use only these if you're lazy to create a lot of default empty asset files for javascript or sass CUSTOM_THEME_DIR="./wordpress/wp-content/themes/${CUSTOM_THEME_FOLDER}" CUSTOM_THEME_SRC_DIR="${CUSTOM_THEME_DIR}/src" CUSTOM_THEME_SRC_JS_DIR="${CUSTOM_THEME_SRC_DIR}/js" CUSTOM_THEME_SRC_SASS_DIR="${CUSTOM_THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass" CUSTOM_THEME_SRC_JS_FILES="app.js vendor.js" CUSTOM_THEME_SRC_SASS_FILES="main.scss _vars.scss _customize-bootstrap.scss"
Run the make command to build and start the installation.
# Build and start installation make autoinstall
Visit your site at http://localhost and your database via Adminer at http://localhost:8080.
Default identification for your wordpress website admin:
Username: wordpress
Password: wordpress
Default identification for the Adminer interface:
Server: mariadb
Username: user
Password: password
# Stop current running containers
docker-compose down
# Build, and start the wordpress website
docker-compose up -d --build
# Reset everything
docker-compose down
rm -rf certs/* certs-data/* logs/nginx/* mysql/* wordpress/*
# Run wpcli as a service in terminal
docker-compose run --rm wpcli bash
NOTE: You can use these makefile commands as an alternative for docker-compose commands. These will also be use in setup for wpcli options and you don't use the browser for installing wordpress.
# Start the wordpress website
docker-compose up -d
# Restart the container
restart: down start
# Build and start the wordpress website
docker-compose up -d --build
# Run healthcheck
docker-compose run --rm healthcheck
# Stop current running containers
docker-compose down
# Run the build & healthcheck
install: build healthcheck
# Build and start the wordpress website using wpcli configurations
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f wp-auto-config.yml run --rm wp-auto-config
# Build and start the wordpress website using wpcli configurations
autoinstall: build
@echo "⚙️ Installing wordpress using wpcli..."
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f wp-auto-config.yml run --rm wp-auto-config
# Clean/Delete all installed wordpress & database setup
clean: down
@echo "💥 Removing related folders/files..."
@rm -rf mysql/* wordpress/* wordpress/.htaccess
@echo "\n⚙️ Related folders/files has been removed..."
# Run wpcli in the terminal
docker-compose run --rm wpcli bash
# Remove all stopped containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
# Generate source files for custom theme
@echo -e "⚙️ Generating source files...\n"
ifdef srcDirs
@mkdir -pv $(srcDirs)
ifdef jsFiles
touch $(jsFiles)
ifdef sassFiles
touch $(sassFiles)
@echo -e "\n⚙️ Source files have been generated..."
This will automatically opens http://localhost:3000 as you're front page if you used webpack.
# Start the webpack dev server & open the default browser
npm start
# Build a distribution assets for custom theme
npm run build