Using MariaDB in XAMPP create database, create table, insert data, update data, select data
- documentation
- Create database Name_NIM -> jeffrey_2602158784
- Using the database, create table infoprib_784 with column nip as primary key, nama, kota, tgl_lahir, and jenis kelamin
- Insert data into table infoprib_784
- Change jenis_kelamin column name to sex and data type to enum, also add column alamat (ALTER TABLE)
- Update table infoprib_784 where nip = 2, set kota = Bandung
- Update table infoprib_784 where nip = 3, set kota = Kalimantan and tgl_lahir = 2010-04-03
- documentation_2
- Create table tugas1_784 with column nip as primary key, nama, hobi
- Insert data into table tugas1_784
- Update table tugas1_784 which nip = 13, set hobi = Menangis
- documentation_3 Using table infoprib_784
- Display all data with male sex
- Display all data with female sex and kota not Jakarta
- Display all kota (DISTINCT)
- Display name that contain the letter a
- Display name that contain the letter n
- Display name that contain the letter k
- Display name order by name ascending
- Display name order by name descending
- Display name that start with J end with y, and contain letter e (LIKE)
- Display name ending with 'ey' (REGEXP)
- Display name that start with the letter 'J' and end with 'ey' (REGEXP)
- Display name and gender order by gender ascending and name descending
- Display nip, name order by name descending
- Display sex group by sex
- Display kota group by kota
- Display nip,nama,kota group by kota and kota not Jakarta
- Display nip,nama,kota group by kota and kota not Jakarta (HAVING)
- Display nip,nama,kota group by kota and kota not Jakarta (HAVING, <>)
- Create table pekerjaan_784 with column nip, kode_bag, gaji
- Insert data into table pekerjaan_784
- Display average of gaji
- Display average of gaji as 'Rata-Rata Gaji'
- Display the number of people in the table pekerjaan_784 as 'Jumlah Pegawai'
- Display highest gaji as 'Gaji Tertinggi'
- Display gaji >= 1500 and <= 2000
- documentation_4
- Create table pekerjaan_784 with column nip, kode_bag, gaji
- Create table bagian_784 with column kode_bag, nama_bag
- Insert data into table pekerjaan_784
- Insert data into table bagian_784
- Display all data from table pekerjaan_784
- Display all data from table bagian_784
- Display nip, name, gaji.
- Display nip, name kode_bag as departemen, and gaji.
- Display nip, nama, nama_bag, gaji.
- Display nip, nama, nama_bag, and gaji above 1500
- Display nip, nama, mode_bag (NATURAL JOIN)