By technical definition, Pedestrian Right of Way (ROW) has been deteriorated by addition of walk signals which removed from pedestrian ROW the phase where a walk signal was flashing. Countdown clocks which can often cover a full signal to cross a 5 or 6 lane road and further eroded ROW as the flashing countdown phase (which can be 30 seconds!) is not considered part of pedestrian ROW.
Put another way, pedestrians only have ROW during the white walk phase. You many not begin or be crossing the street at any other time.
This is important because it puts the burden of safety on pedestrians instead of on motorists, and in practice it stops DA's from charging RoW under other laws enacted to bolster Vision Zero src.
Motorists & cyclists can enter intersection on a yellow signal, Pedestrians can only enter on white which puts undue safety burden on pedestrians. src
If at an intersection w/clock, pedestrian must get past median + 1/2 way to far curb on white, or wait at median for the next signal cycle. This means many intersections take multiple signal cycles to cross legally. src
- Int 0997-2015 - This legislation would provide the right of way to pedestrians crossing from a median when a numerical countdown clock has already begun to count down. Introduced by NYC Public Advocate Letitia James
- Int 0876-2015 require NYPD to report on enforcement of ROW violations