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Jelle Siderius edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 30 revisions

This tool downloads clean/stripped Magento databases over SSH, imports and configures it for development purposes. Have a fully configurated production or staging environment on your local machine within minutes. Making life a little bit easier.

Before using this tool, please read the notes.

What does this tool do exactly?

It downloads databases

When running this tool, it connects to a server over SSH. It then navigates itself to the Magento root folder and downloads the Magento database, stripped (no customer data) or with full data.

It can also detect if there is a WordPress installation within the Magento folder and download + import this.

It automatically imports and configures the downloaded database

After downloading a database. It can import and configure your Magento/WordPress environment, making it ready to use within minutes.

It can automatically synchronise production databases to staging

After downloading a database. It can import and configure your Magento staging environment, making it ready to use within minutes.

What does the tool configure when importing?

It configures your Magento development environment to be ready to use without editing anything within the database yourself. Here is a list of everything it does:

  • Replaces all website/store URL's to your local domain URL
  • Creates a default admin user
  • Disables reCaptcha
  • Creates a dummy customer for every website/store
  • Configures ElasticSearch7
  • Removes SMTP settings
  • If Rsync is installed, it can synchronise media images for Magento
  • It can run custom database & magerun2 commands while configuring a project
  • [EXPERIMENTAL]: If WordPress is synchronised, it will configure the correct URL's for WordPress and create a admin user.
  • [EXPERIMENTAL]: If production to staging synchronisation is chosen, it automatically configures the core_config_data to keep most of the important settings (URL's, gateways, shipping methods and more...)


  • It is DDEV compatible:
  • Currently only tested on macOS & Linux
  • The import function does only show "yes" when your current directory is a Magento installed directory or if a local project folder is set in the database json file
  • Everything is developed/tested with Magerun2 version 5.2.0. Make sure at least this version is installed
  • Tool requires magerun2 command to be globally available in shell
  • WordPress import is currently experimental
  • Overwrites current localhost's Magento database with the staging/production database. Be aware that you might lose project data on your localhost/development environment
  • Production to staging synchronisation is is currently experimental