This is a twitter bot for tweeting female-gendered nouns of the Ukrainian language and spread awareness about gender-sensitive aspects of the language
This bot was created in order to spread awareness about gender-sensitive aspects of the Ukrainian language and popularize feminitives (female-gendered nouns).
Currently the bot has a basic tweeting feature (it tweets every 15 minutes from 10AM to 1AM PST) and I am going to expand it so it could provide a corresponding feminitive of the requested masculinitive (male-gendered noun) as well as follow others and favorite their posts. However, I am not sure whether it should let it retweet/favorite on its own since majority of topics related to feminitives are negative.
You are welcome to contribute either by including missed feminitives in the nouns.json file or by improving features of this bot.
Copyright Gabriela Medvetska (gitUser: jellysquider) under MIT License.