This plugin allows customers to upload PreProd mobile binaries directly to Data Theorem for security scanning, as part of your CI/CD pipeline.
To use the plugin, you need a Data Theorem account with a subscription. To find your API Key you can follow:
- Install Java
- Install official java JDK 8
- Install maven
- At the root of the project run a new Jenkins project with the plugin included using
$ mvn hpi:run
- At the root of the project run the plugin using
$ mvn hpi:run
- Connect to the Jenkins webpage at http://localhost:8080/jenkins
- From the global configuration page install credentials and credentials plugins
- Create a new job and add a post build action named : "Upload Build To Data Theorem"
mvn clean test
You should update the version variable from the SendBuildAction and from pom.xml when releasing a new plugin version
Before deploying the project, ensure you have the permission rights
Then execute the following commands:
Prepare for new deployment
$ mvn release:prepare
Ensure that the generate file is referring to the right repository:
Perform the release:
$ mvn release:perform
If there is an issue with the deployment, please refer to the jenkins manual deployment guide:
Wait for the jenkins release to be available . It may take up to 4hours. Once the plugin is available, you should see it at:
Then create a whole new jenkins environment with docker
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins/jenkins:2.316-jdk11
Install the plugin and uses it to deploy a mobile application