Upload FT8 QSO log data to AARL LoTW server.
$ bash ./process_ft8_log.sh
Automated upload of new QSO records to LoTW (AARL Log book Of The World)
and automated backup of full WSJTX QSO log. This program can be
run any number of times. It will detect if there are no new QSOs
and exit without starting the TQSL upload or updating the TIMESTAMP_FILE.
The TIMESTAMP_FILE is only updated after a successful upload to LoTW.
- (password less) SSH enabled host
- LoTW keyfiles, working TQSL client tool
The WSJTX logfile is the master log file, contains all of the QSOs
and is never reset.
See "configuration begin/end" section below.
$ bash ~/process_ft8_log.sh
0. current date_time: 040419_134420 previous date_time 040419_093426
pi@'s password:
wsjtx_log.adi 100% 43KB 8.2MB/s 00:00 #
- transferred /home/jens/Projects/wsjtx_backup/wsjtx_log_040419_134420.adi: 165 QSOs
- created /home/jens/Projects/wsjtx_backup/wsjtx_log_040419_134420_diff.adi: 4 QSOs
- upload of /home/jens/Projects/wsjtx_backup/wsjtx_log_040419_134420_diff.adi to LoTW:
- setting new timestamp to CURR_DATE 040419_134420
TQSL Version 2.4.3 [pkg-v2.4.3]
Signing using Callsign KM6ZJV, DXCC Entity UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Attempting to upload 4 QSOs
/home/jens/Projects/wsjtx_backup/wsjtx_log_040419_134420_diff.adi: Log uploaded successfully with result: