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The ultimate catalog tool for choral music

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This repo contains the code that runs Choralcat is a choral music management system. It is designed for easy cataloguing, searching, and sorting of choral music. A user builds out their library of choral music and is then provided with the tools to analyze it and create programs of music it.



  • Redis (not needed if not using celery)
    • Ensure that authentication is enabled and password is generated, put the password in the .env file
  • Python 3.10
  • Node v14


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a python virtual environment
  3. Install dependencies make install_dev
  4. Copy .env.example to .env and fill in actual values
    • All example values should be fine for local development, except if you want to test celery. To test celery locally you must provide a valid REDIS_PASSWORD.
  5. Migrate your database ./manage migrate
  6. Load fixture data make load_testdata
  7. Start a separate terminal session and start the JS/CSS development with npm run dev
  8. Run the Django development server with ./ runserver
  9. Enjoy and start development! Try visiting localhost:8000 and explore the app!
    • Feel free to use test_user with testpassword (from fixtures) or create a super user with ./ createsuperuser

Optional (setup pre-commit):

  1. (in your virtualenv) pre-commit install

Code Formatting

All Python code should be formatted with Black and isort. JavaScript code is not currently automatically formatted.

pre-commit is used to automatically run Black and format files after committing. Please set it up (see Setup) so that committed files are all formatted in the same style.

If code is not formatted, CI tests will fail and deploys will be blocked.

Adding a new dependency

If it's a dev dependency add it to requirements/ if it's both a prod and dev dependency add it to requirements/ Then run make requires to run pip-compile and automatically update the requirements.txt files which pin versions and are use for actually installing dependencies.



# create JS bundle
npm run prod
# collect static files
./ collectstatic
# create tarball
tar -cvf staticfiles.tar staticfiles/
# scp tarball
scp staticfiles.tar ip:/apps/choralcat/
# untar
tar -xvf staticfiles.tar staticfiles/


Celery is used for performing async tasks in choralcat. It currently does very little, but is there for added flexibility in the future. Celery is set up to use Redis as its backend.

# Run celery locally
celery -A choralcat worker --loglevel=INFO
# Run celery beat locally
celery -A choralcat beat -l INFO


# Start redis server locally
#To restart redis after an upgrade:
brew services restart redis
#Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
/opt/homebrew/opt/redis/bin/redis-server /opt/homebrew/etc/redis.conf

Data Migrations

# Create a new data migration
./ makemigrations --empty data_migrations --name "MyNameHere"


test_user password is test_password.

To run unit tests use make test or ./ test


This repo is equipped with CI/CD via GitHub Actions (view workflow). Tests are run on every branch push to GitHub and pushes to the main branch are automatically deployed to the site (only if tests pass). The site currently runs on a DigitalOcean droplet. The current flow generates static files and transfers them to the server using scp and then runs the deploy script on the server over ssh.

Updating host action secrets

To update the SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS secret run the following command and use the provided output as the secret:

ssh-keyscan -H <host-ip>


The ultimate catalog tool for choral music






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