Added failure insert based in waypoint, time and position.
Added script
Created a new repository in the github (UAV-Embedded) with only codes to be embedded.
Updated frequency of some threads.
Added support for file-based behavior change (mission-spraying.txt).
Updated scripts (exec-mavproxy-real-?.sh,,,
Added feature where MOSA and IFA are terminated if flight mode is changed to RTL using the Radio Controller or GCS.
Added plot scenic region in UAV-GCS.
Added plot behavior in UAV-GCS.
Added features MOSA Adaptive for mission (onboard and offboard).
Added file param of drones (iDroneAlpha, iDroneBeta) on ./UAV-Toolkit/Configs/
Added file instances (kml) on ./UAV-Toolkit/Missions-Google-Earth/.
Added file and on github.
Updated documentation on github.
Added label in photo Raspberry Pi with coordinates geographical, latitude, longitude and relative altitude.
Added code to control sensors and actuators (LED, Buzzer, parachute, spraying).
Updated code HGA4m (in UAV-MOSA and UAV-GCS) to decrease the number of waypoints.
Added auto finished execution in UAV-IFA (change status disarmed, armed, disarmed).
Added new resources hardware status called UAV-Status in UAV-GCS.
Updated documentation in markdown.
Added automatic route simplification feature based on route size used by CCQSP4m (only onboard) algorithm.
Updated file overhead MOSA and IFA.
Added Script to support BeagleBone Black.
UAV-IFA has features of UAV-Monitoring and UAV-PosAnalyser, mainly in the plot of UAV-GCS.
Removed code UAV-PosAnalyser and UAV-Monitoring
Added support to artificial maps (instances Path-Planner and Path-Replanner). You need to set the start and goal points
Added a script to compile all the C/C++ system codes.
Updated code UAV-Manager (parameter names) in GUI.
Changed the sequence of the buttons in UAV-Manager.
You can’t perform that action at this time.