Waltz can calculate a basic complexity score for each application. The current implementation uses a formula like:
maxConn = maximumNumberOfLogicalFlowsForAnyApp
appConn = totalNuberOfLogicalFlowsForThisApp
maxServers = maximumNumberOfServersForAnyApp
appServers = totalNuberOfServersForThisApp
maxViewpoints = maximumNumberOfViewpointsUsedByAnyApp
appViewpoints = totalNumberOfViewpointsUsedByThisApp
connectionComplexity = log(appConn) / log(maxConn)
serverComplexity = log(appConn) / log(maxConn)
viewpointComplexity = appViewpoints / maxViewpoints
totalComplexity = serverComplexity + connectionComplexity + viewpointComplexity
Note that server and connection complexities are scaled so that the marginal 'cost' of adding new servers and connections diminishes. However viewpoint complexity does not.
Table: Complexity Score
Column | Description | Example |
entity_kind | Kind of entity being scored | APPLICATION |
entity_id | Id of entity being score | 123456 |
complexity_kind | type of complexity being measured | MEASURABLE |
score | (decimal 10,3) amount | 0.7 |
Valid complexity kinds:
Plan is to allow for custom complexity kinds to be introduced an provide a simple way for developers to plug in their own calculators.