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92 lines (74 loc) · 5.17 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (74 loc) · 5.17 KB
  • help [search] Show help menu. Optionally search.

  • exit Exit DiscordConsole

  • exec Execute a shell command

  • run Run a LUA file with DiscordConsole's special functions

  • alias command new command Add a new alias for a command.

  • lang language Same as starting with --lang

  • latency Shows the last heartbeat's ping.

  • permcalc [preset] Open the permission calculator, and optionally with pre-set values.

  • guilds List guilds/servers you're in.

  • guild id Select a guild to use for further commands.

  • channels List channels in your selected guild.

  • channel id Select a channel to use for further commands.

  • pchannels List private channels a.k.a. 'DMs'.

  • vchannels List voice channels in your selected guild.

  • dm user id Create a DM with specific user.

  • region list/set (region) Set current guild region.

  • info user/guild/channel/settings (for user: id/@me) [property] (or info u/g/c/s) Get information about a user, server, channel or your set Discord settings!

  • read message id [property] Read or get info from a message. Properties: (empty), text, channel, timestamp, author, author_email, author_name, author_avatar, author_bot, embed; 'cache' may be used as message ID.

  • pin message id Pin a message to the current channel.

  • unpin message id Unpin a message from the current channel.

  • name name Change username completely.

  • avatar link/file Change avatar to a link or file.

  • say stuff Send a message in your selected channel. say toggle starts chat-mode, and toggle ends it.

  • ${Placeholders}: Replaces e.g. ${} with ЙЦУКЕН - Бот.

  • sayfile path Send the contents of a file (auto-splitted).

  • big stuff Send a message, but attempt to make it using emojis!

  • embed json Send an embed! (ADVANCED!) See

  • tts stuff Send a TTS message in your selected channel.

  • file file Upload file to selected channel.

  • edit message id stuff Edit a message in your selected channel.

  • editembed message id json Edit a message embed in your selected channel.

  • del message id Delete a message in the selected channel.

  • delall [since message id] Bulk delete messages since a specific message

  • log directly/file amount OR filename Log the last few messages in console or to a file.

  • react add/del message id emoji unicode/id React to a message

  • react big message id stuff Like the 'big' command, but in reactions!

  • react delall message id Delete all reactions

  • playing [game] Set your playing status. Run without an argument to clear.

  • streaming [url] [game] Set your streaming status.

  • game streaming/watching/listening name [details] [extra text] Set a custom status.

  • typing Simulate typing in selected channel.

  • members List (max 100) members in selected guild

  • invite create [expires] [max uses] ['temp'] OR invite accept code OR invite read code OR invite list OR invite revoke code Create an invite, accept an existing one, see invite information, list all invites or revoke an invite.

  • role list List all roles in selected guild.

  • role add user id role id Add role to user

  • role rem user id role id Remove role from user

  • role create Create new role

  • role edit role id flag value Edit a role. Flags are: name, color, separate, perms, mention

  • role delete role id Delete a role.

  • nick id [nickname] Change somebody's nickname

  • nickall [nickname] Change ALL nicknames!

  • messages [scope] Intercepting messages. Optionally, scope can have a filter on it: all, mentions, private, current (default), none

  • intercept [yes/no] Toggle intercepting 'console.' commands in Discord.

  • output [yes/no] Toggle showing 'console.' outputs directly in Discord.

  • back Jump to previous guild and/or channel.

  • new channel/vchannel/guild/category name Create a new guild or channel

  • bans [text] List all bans, can also be shown in text form to show full ban reasons.

  • ban user id optional reason Ban user

  • unban user id Unban user

  • kick user id optional reason Kick user

  • leave [id] Leave a guild! Run with no arguments to leave the selected one.

  • ownership id Transfer ownership.

  • delete guild/channel/category id Delete a channel, guild or category.

  • play dca audio file Plays a song in the selected voice channel

  • stop Stops playing any song.

  • move user id vchannel id Move a user to another voice channel.

  • status value Set the user status. Possible values are: online, idle, dnd and invisible.

  • friend add/accept/remove/list (user id) Manage your friends. Add, accept, remove and list them.

  • block user id Block a user.

  • note user id note Set a note. Remove with note user id "".

  • bookmarks List all bookmarks in the console.

  • bookmark name Create new bookmark out of current location. If the name starts with -, it removes the bookmark.

  • go bookmark Jump to the specified bookmark.

  • rl [full] Reload cache. If 'full' is set, it also restarts the session.