Algorithms from "Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet" by Peter Duffett-Smith, implemented in .NET 6.
If you're interested in this topic, please buy the book! It provides far more detail and context.
Create a console application:
dotnet new console -o PAConsoleTest
cd PAConsoleTest
Using the NuGet package is the easiest way to consume the library in a client application. Add a NuGet reference for the Practical Astronomy library, following the directions here.
Open Program.cs, and make a few changes. First, add a using
statement for Practical Astronomy:
using PALib;
Then, replace the 'Hello World' boilerplate with this:
// Coordinates test (angle degrees to decimal degrees)
var paCoordinates = new PALib.PACoordinates();
var decimalDegrees = Math.Round(paCoordinates.AngleToDecimalDegrees(182, 31, 27), 3);
Console.WriteLine($"Decimal degrees value is {decimalDegrees}");
// Moon test (approximate moon phase)
var paMoon = new PALib.PAMoon();
var (moonPhase, brightLimbDegrees) = paMoon.MoonPhase(0, 0, 0, false, 0, 1, 9, 2003, PAAccuracyLevel.Approximate);
Console.WriteLine($"Moon phase value is {moonPhase}, bright limb degrees value is {brightLimbDegrees}");
When you run, you should see this:
Decimal degrees value is 182.524
Moon phase value is 0.22, bright limb degrees value is -71.58
- Calculate -> Date of Easter
- Convert -> Civil Date to Day Number
- Convert -> Civil Time <-> Decimal Hours
- Extract -> Hour, Minutes, and Seconds parts of Decimal Hours
- Convert -> Local Civil Time <-> Universal Time
- Convert -> Universal Time <-> Greenwich Sidereal Time
- Convert -> Greenwich Sidereal Time <-> Local Sidereal Time
- Convert -> Angle <-> Decimal Degrees
- Convert -> Right Ascension <-> Hour Angle
- Convert -> Equatorial Coordinates <-> Horizon Coordinates
- Calculate -> Obliquity of the Ecliptic
- Convert -> Ecliptic Coordinates <-> Equatorial Coordinates
- Convert -> Equatorial Coordinates <-> Galactic Coordinates
- Calculate -> Angle between two objects
- Calculate -> Rising and Setting times for an object
- Calculate -> Precession (corrected coordinates between two epochs)
- Calculate -> Nutation (in ecliptic longitude and obliquity) for a Greenwich date
- Calculate -> Effects of aberration for ecliptic coordinates
- Calculate -> RA and Declination values, corrected for atmospheric refraction
- Calculate -> RA and Declination values, corrected for geocentric parallax
- Calculate -> Heliographic coordinates
- Calculate -> Carrington rotation number
- Calculate -> Selenographic (lunar) coordinates (sub-Earth and sub-Solar)
- Calculate -> Approximate and precise positions of the Sun
- Calculate -> Sun's distance and angular size
- Calculate -> Local sunrise and sunset
- Calculate -> Morning and evening twilight
- Calculate -> Equation of time
- Calculate -> Solar elongation
- Calculate -> Approximate position of planet
- Calculate -> Precise position of planet
- Calculate -> Visual aspects of planet (distance, angular diameter, phase, light time, position angle of bright limb, and apparent magnitude)
- Calculate -> Position of comet (elliptical and parabolic)
- Calculate -> Binary star orbit data
- Calculate -> Approximate and precise position of Moon
- Calculate -> Moon phase and position angle of bright limb
- Calculate -> Times of new Moon and full Moon
- Calculate -> Moon's distance, angular diameter, and horizontal parallax
- Calculate -> Local moonrise and moonset
- Calculate -> Lunar eclipse occurrence and circumstances
- Calculate -> Solar eclipse occurrence and circumstances