- Use jQuery for implementing new requirements => done.
- Include a show resource rendered using jQuery and an Active Model Serialization JSON backend. => 'Next Review' button on Review show page to make AJAX get request to render the next review. Also, 'More' link on Review index page to make AJAX get request to render full review comment from previous truncated view of the specific review.
- Include an index resource rendered using jQuery and an Active Model Serialization JSON backend. => Links to 'Load Reviews' to render a collection of reviews on Review, & Restaurant show pages.
- Include at least one has_many relationship in information rendered via JSON and appended to the DOM. => Restaurant has_many Reviews. A specifc restaurant's reviews are rendered on the Restaurant show page after click link "Load Reviews".
- Use your Rails API and a form to create a resource and render the response without a page refresh. => New Review form.
- Translate JSON responses into js model objects => AJAX post request of create a New Review rendered on the same page below the form.
- At least one of the js model objects must have at least one method added by your code to the prototype. AJAX post request of create a New Review, with new method 'showRating' displaying rating in a confirmation message on the same page below the form.
- You have a large number of small Git commits => done.
- Your commit messages are meaningful => done.
- You made the changes in a commit that relate to the commit message => done.
- You don't include changes in a commit that aren't related to the commit message => done.