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Release notes

Jesper Frickmann edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 9 revisions

I will list important updates on this page. But if you want to see every update, please have a look at the Commit page.


I added an F3K model with a full house wing. It uses the same mixes and configuration as the J models.

I moved the new model and the F5K model to a file named X9D+untested.otx, because I have not flight tested them, and I have not had any confirmations from users that they work.

I also fixed a minor error in the flaperon mix for the J models. Aileron -> Flaps mix was supposed to go to zero for full flaps, but did not. If you want to update an existing model, then delete the two existing mixer lines on CH32, and copy over the three new mixer lines from the current FxJ template.


  • All key events have been changed to use the OpenTX provided virtual events. This has been done to better accommodate for the growing number of transmitter models with different button layouts. If you notice something odd with how the buttons work for your transmitter model, please let me know!
  • For OpenTX 2.3.11 and above, sensors like e.g. Alt can now be reset from the Lua script. Therefore, there is no internally reset Alti sensor anymore, if you use firmware 2.3.11 and above.
  • I made a small fix for logging with the F3K models, to alleviate a problem where it could not separate different flights with short turnaround between.


A few minor changes.

  • V-tail channels were added to the F5K model.
  • KAPOW mix on the FxJ models is now activated by elevator down only. I found that also having worry about the airbrake stick was an unnecessary distraction.


A new version with some major changes has been released. It can not co-exist with the previous version. Scripts and models from this new version can not be mixed with previous versions. The main updates are:

  • It runs on "stock" OpenTX 2.3 firmware. It is thus no longer necessary to check the "lua" option and re-download firmware.
  • There is a new "Adjust" flight mode, which is used when some of the configuration menus are active.
  • Sensor management and timer control have been moved to Lua scripts. This has simplified the model file, and there are no longer the calculated sensors of past versions. Therefore, the only thing needed for setting up sensors on new models, is to run "discover new sensors".
  • An F5K model has been added. Since I do not have an F5K plane myself, it has not been flight tested. If you do flight test it, then I would appreciate to hear your feedback.
  • I have decided to only post .otx files for X9D+ and Xlite transmitters, because Companion converts the files to other transmitter models. I own an X9D+ myself, and Xlite is representative for the "lite" family of transmitters with less switches than X9D and QX7. This reduces the work needed to keep the many transmitter files synchronized, and eliminates a source of error.
  • The instructions have been revised in an effort to make them more concise.

I have left snapshots of the previous release here:


Jumper T12 support has been added.


In the F5J program, the following logical switch has been changed from:
L24 a>x Motor 00:00:29 --- --- --- to: L24 a=x Motor 00:00:30 --- --- ---
The issue is that if someone accidentally disables or deletes the special function that resets the motor timer between flights, and the motor is restarted when the motor timer is >= 30 sec., then the motor will not shut off again!! Therefore, I suggest that you also make that change to your existing F5J models, so you hopefully never encounter that.


  • The Lua scripts have been refactored to better support the growing number of radio models. The new scripts will generally work with the existing models, but all of the Lua scripts should be replaced, to avoid having old and new scripts mixed together.
  • If you copy the new scripts to your SD card by overwriting instead of deleting the existing scripts, then you will have to manually delete the script /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/JF3K/SK4.lua, as it is not replaced, and will cause an error if left in place.
  • Key (button) inputs have been "standardized" across different radio models. As a consequence, some keys have changed.
  • There is a new on-screen help function, showing which keys do what. It is active when the first menu is opened, and can be toggled with the MENU key (SHIFT key on Xlite).
  • There is a new Flaperon Alignment script for the F3K program, allowing you to set end points and make common curve adjustment with the throttle trim, in addition to the existing alignment with the aileron trim. Now you can set up flaperons in one menu, instead of going back and forth between Alignment and Channel Configuration to set end points. Start with the end points, and then the center point. To use the new alignment script with an old model setup, you have to add the following Special Function (you may copy and modify SF14): L43 - Adjust GV8:Aux (TrmT)
  • Finally, I have made a three-part video on how to setup a new plane with the F3K program:
  1. Channel Configuration
  2. Flaperon Setup
  3. The Rest
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