The pointcloud_filters package, based on RComponent structure. Node to filter a PointCloud2 message.
This node filters a PointCloud2 message in a "n" factor to decrease the bandwidth required for the website. It also reduces the frequency of the publication.
- ~reduce_points_factor (int, default: 4) Decrease pointcloud size factor.
- ~desired_freq (double, default: 4.0) Publication frequency of the filtered PointCloud
- ~pointcloud_in (string, default: front_rgbd_camera/depth/points) Topic name of the input PointCloud
- ~pointcloud_filtered (string, default: throttle/front_rgbd_camera/depth/points) Topic name of the filtered PointCloud
- front_rgbd_camera/depth/points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2) Topic with the raw PointCloud
- throttle/front_rgbd_camera/depth/points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2) Topic with the filtered PointCloud
roslaunch pointcloud_filters lower_resolution_filter.launch