This is a Jekyll Liquid Filter plugin that allows you to abstract your URLs in template and _posts files so that your code is portable and normalized to a greater degree.
By using this plugin you only ever have to change your URL components in one place and the change will be reflected throughout your entire site.
This is highly advantageous with settings like _config.yml
-> baseurl
, your feed.xml
file (which needs absolute URLs) and if you use a CDN or the cloud to serve some of your assets.
Version: 1.0.0
To install this plugin download or copy it into a directory named _plugins
in your project working directory.
Visit the official Jekyll Plugin's Documentation for more information.
This plugin requires the Ruby Zlib library, which should be installed on most machines with a recent version of Ruby.
See the plugin itself for information on the methods. For a high-scalability implementation and lots of usage ideas check out my own website repo.
The methods which begin with to_
transform a root-relative path/url into the path/url type of the method's name, e.g., base, absolute or cdn: to_<type>url
The methods can be used on assets such as CSS and JS files, images, XML feeds in template files and anywhere you find useful.
Transform a root-relative URL into a base-relative URL.
In your templates and optionally in your Markdown files use the to_baseurl
method to append the baseurl
parameter value in _config.yml
to root-relative URLs.
In _config.yml
you have:
baseurl: /blog
In _layouts
-> default.html
you will likely have a CSS file linked, so we can add the filter to the Liquid tag to abstract the URL:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/css/site.css' | to_baseurl }}" />
When you generate your site, the result is:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/blog/css/site.css" />
Transform a root-relative URL into an absolute URL.
In your templates and optionally in your Markdown files use the to_absurl
method to append the url
parameter value in _config.yml
to root-relative URLs.
In _config.yml
you have:
url: http://www.domain.tld
In feed/index.xml
you will likely have a self link, so we can add the filter in a Liquid tag to make it an absolute and abstracted URL:
<link href="{{ '/feed/index.xml' | to_absurl }}" rel="self" />
When you generate your site, the result is:
<link href="http://www.domain.tld/feed/index.xml" rel="self" />
If you also have baseurl
set in _config.yml
then to_baseurl
will be run before and you'll get:
<link href="http://www.domain.tld/blog/feed/index.xml" rel="self" />
Prepend a CDN 'virtual versioned' URL for any relative URL resource. Uses up to 4 hosts for multiple download streams at the same time.
In your templates and optionally in your Markdown files use the to_cdnurl
method to append the cdn_hosts
parameter value in _config.yml
to root-relative URLs.
Jekyll's _config.yml
does not have a cdn_hosts
parameter, so we need to add our own first. There will likely be other user specified parameters that you will need, so we can namespace all of them in a hash called app
release: 100000
mode: development
You will also need a RewriteRule in .htaccess
to create the 'virtual version' match to the actual asset (assumes prefix
is 'v'):
RewriteRule ^v[0-9]{6,6}/(.*)$ /$1 [L]
Note: You do not actually have to rename any files or folders to use 'virtual versioned' URLs. You only need to make sure your 'href' and 'src' attributes point to the virtual version URL. The method does exactly that for you.
Tip: You can virtual version any asset or file just by linking to it using this method! That means PDFs, movies, images, index.html files and web fonts.
In your _layouts
-> default.html
template file you have your logo at the top of the page. You want to serve it from the CDN:
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="{{ '/img/logo.svg' | to_cdnurl }}">Project Name</object>
When you generate your site, the result is:
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="//">Project Name</object>
Depending on the path given to the method, a different CDN host will be chosen using crc32. The final URL is put together like this:
Note: http:
is intentionally left off for protocol anonymous URLs.
See the documentation in the plugin code for this method for more information.
Methods that begin with sub_
do single or global regex string replacement on the input.
You should use these methods sparingly if at all as it is better to use a to_
method on the input on a per instance basis.
See the to_baseurl
and to_absurl
for basic workings of these methods. The only difference is that the sub_
methods search through a whole block of input rather than just a short string, meaning multiple instances of relative URLs can be effected.
One place the sub_absurl
method is very handy is in your feed xml file. Use it on the post.content
to make any relative URLs absolute.
post.content (in Markdown):
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. ![Dog Image](/img/dog.jpg)
feed.xml (entries loop):
{% for post in site.posts %}
<content type="html">{{ post.content | sub_absurl | xml_escape }}</content>
{% endfor %}
When you generate your site, the result is:
<content type="html">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. <a href="http://domain.tld/img/dog.jpg">
Append image alternate size to images generated in templates such as sidebars and post asides.
This is useful for when you need to show a thumbnail or smaller version of an image such as in a Post Archive.
Q: Why not just hardcode the size in the template file?
A: You could. However, if you are specifying a feature image for a post in the YAML Front Matter
you will be using something like page.image.src
in your sidebar template and so you can't insert the thumbnail size without using a regex. So moving that task into the plugin was deemed more DRY.
- size - The string representing the image size. Recommended format is <width>x<height> measured in pixels.
- hires - Boolean. Append @2x to the image name if true. For use with retina logic.
<img src="{{ '/img/dog.jpg' | sub_imgurl }}" />
When you generate your site, the result is:
<img src="/img/dog_150x150.jpg" />
Specify size:
<img src="{{ '/img/dog.jpg' | sub_imgurl: '300x300' }}" />
<img src="/img/dog_300x300.jpg" />
Specify size and hires:
<img src="{{ '/img/dog.jpg' | sub_imgurl: '300x300', true }}" />
<img src="/img/dog_300x300@2x.jpg" />
Sanitize a string for use in URLs. Specifically, when you want to link to a category or tag name in your templates.
Category or Tag names with spaces, capital letters, etc. will break your URLs. This method formats them correctly.
page.category: Web Development
<a href="/{{ page.category | sanitize_str }}/">...</a>
When you generate your site, the result is:
<a href="/web-development/">...</a>
Abstracting and normalizing the URL structure of your website is a process that will pay dividends down the road.
Bootstrapers and template developers will especially benefit from this technique when distributing their work to different users who may have preferences of their own in terms of baseurl
directory name and string names in categories and tags.
Jhaura Wachsman website, @jhaurawachsman
(c) Copyright 2013 Jhaura Wachsman.