Test case examples for bioinformatic toolkits discussed in http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/12/25/035360
Software used:
R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16) -- "Full of Ingredients"
ETE3 3.0.0b35
ETE2 2.3.10
Dendropy 4.1.0
BioPython 1.63b
Newick utilities 1.6
BioPerl 1.006925
PyCogent 1.5.3
###Relevant discussion: BioPython: biopython/biopython#745
Dendropy: jeetsukumaran/DendroPy#53
BioPerl: bioperl/bioperl-live#157
newick-utilities: tjunier/newick_utils#15
Scikit-bio/PyCogent: scikit-bio/scikit-bio#1355
((C:1.0,D:1.0)10:0.001,(A:1.0, (B:1.0,X:1.0)30:0.01)20:0.1,E:1.0)0:0.0;
#! /usr/bin/python
from ete3 import Tree
t = Tree('test.nw')
t.set_outgroup(t & "X")
print t.write()
Resulting newick:
#! /usr/bin/python
from ete2 import Tree
t = Tree('test.nw')
t.set_outgroup(t & "X")
print t.write()
Resulting newick:
#! /usr/bin/env python
from dendropy import Tree, TaxonNamespace
def node_label_method(tree, outgroup):
'''Interpret node labels as node attributes (default).'''
outgroup_node = tree.find_node_with_taxon_label(outgroup)
new_root = outgroup_node.parent_node
return tree
def rooted_bipartition_method(tree, outgroup):
'''Interpret node labels as branch support values.'''
benc = tree.encode_bipartitions()
support_values = {}
for nd in tree:
support_values[nd.bipartition] = float(nd.label) if nd.label is not None else 1.0
outgroup_node = tree.find_node_with_taxon_label(outgroup)
new_root = outgroup_node.parent_node
for nd in tree:
nd.label = support_values.get(nd.bipartition, "not_specified")
tree.seed_node.edge.length = None
return tree
tree = Tree.get(file=open('test.nw'), schema="newick")#, rooting="force-rooted")
rooted_bipartition_method(tree, 'X')
nw = tree.as_string(schema='newick').strip()
print nw.replace('[&R] ', '')
# Related discussion: https://github.com/jeetsukumaran/DendroPy/issues/53
Resulting newick:
#! /bin/bash
R --quiet --vanilla < test_ape.R |grep "\[1\]"|cut -f2 -d " "|cut -f2 -d '"'
tr <- read.tree("test.nw")
tr <- root(tr, "X")
Resulting newick:
#! /bin/bash
R --quiet --vanilla < test_patched_ape.R |grep "\[1\]"|cut -f2 -d " "|cut -f2 -d '"'
tr <- read.tree("test.nw")
tr <- root(tr, "X", edgelabel = TRUE)
Resulting newick:
#! /bin/bash
./nw_reroot test.nw X
Resulting newick:
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
from Bio import Phylo
trees = Phylo.parse('test.nw','newick')
t = trees.next()
Phylo.write(t, sys.stdout, 'newick')
Resulting newick:
# Fixes the newick output of bioperl so it can be read by ete for automatically
# generating an img
./test_bioperl.pl |sed 's/)X/,X:0)/g'|python nhx2nw.py
use warnings;
use strict;
use Bio::TreeIO;
use IO::String;
my $treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-file => "test.nw",
-format => 'newick',
-internal_node_id => 'bootstrap');
my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;
my $node = $tree->find_node(-id => 'X');
my $out = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'nhx');
Resulting newick:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from cogent import LoadTree
tr = LoadTree('test.nw')
print tr.rootedWithTip("X")
Resulting newick: