This API application manages a message board database, with multiple endpoints to return Board(s), Thread(s), Post(s), and User(s), as well as all nested relationships. Model Hierarchy is: Board -> Thread -> Post, with one-many relationships between Users - Threads, and Users - Posts.
- Install Git v2.62.2+
- Install .NET version 3.1 SDK v2.2+
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install MySql Workbench
- to clone this content, copy the url provided by the 'clone or download' button in GitHub
- in command line use the command 'git clone (GitHub url)'
- open the program in a code editor
- In appsettings.JSON, adjust the portion that reads, 'uid=root;pwd=epicodus' to reflect your own MySQL username and password; 'root' and 'epicodus' respectively.
- In the command line enter 'dotnet ef database update'
- navigate to the MessageBoard directory and type dotnet build in the command line to compile the code
- type dotnet run in the command line to run the program __
- As a user, I want to be able to GET all messages related to a specific group.
- As a user, I want to be able to POST messages to a specific group.
- As a user, I want to be able to see a list of all groups.
- As a user, I want to input date parameters and retrieve only messages posted during that timeframe.
- As a user, I want to be able to PUT and DELETE messages, but only if I wrote them.
There are currently no known bugs!
Contact : James Henager ( with any questions or concerns
- C#
- Entity Framework
- RESTful routing