A simple Cornell notes generator with React.
After learning how to take the best notes, I create this.
Choose the color with the picker, then the pdf is automatically re-rendered.
Default properties: letter paper, double-sided, 1cm of margin, portrait letter, and some predefined values.
- JS Libraries: ReactJS, React-pdf, React Color
- Font: Alegreya Sans by Juan Pablo del Peral, Huerta Tipográfica
- Programming Language: JavaScript ES6+
- Bundler: Webpack
- Hosting: GitHub Pages
- Dev Environment: VSCode with dev containers in Zorin OS
Visit the project at: https://jhordyess.github.io/cornell-notes-generator/.
The original idea was started with LaTeX and its package TikZ, see the code and example: https://github.com/jhordyess/cornell-notes-generator-latex
Now uses React to have more control for: lengths, rows, columns, use portrait or landscape, view in the letter or A4 size, single-sided or double-sided, and so on.
- Add form for customize the pdf output.
- The color picker transparency doesn't work.
- Add more features 🤔
If you would like to contribute to the project, open an issue or make a pull request on the repository.
© 2021> Jhordyess. Under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Made with 💪 by Jhordyess