This package contains programs, which fires real robot, publishes and subscribes ROS 2 topics.
- sawIntuititiveResearchKit
- cisst-ros2
IMPORTANT: You first need to make sure you have all your configuration files ready, very likely in ~/ros2_ws/src/cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share. You don't need to copy your configuration files back and forth anymore.
For the Qt based application without rviz:
ros2 run dvrk_robot dvrk_console_json -j <path_to_your_console_config.json>
Launch files can be found in the dvrk_model
We provide a few console configurations for simulated arms in src/cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share/console
The best way to figure how to use the ROS topics is to look at the
python ROS wrappers in dvrk_python
or the Matlab ROS wrappers in
. The ROS topics are described in