Installs and configures the Apache Solr search platform.
Java - the current version of Solr (6.x) requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.8 or higher.
solr_major_version: 6
solr_minor_version: 6
solr_patch_version: 2
solr_version: "{{ solr_major_version }}.{{ solr_minor_version }}.{{ solr_patch_version }}"
solr_install_dir: "/opt"
solr_var_dir: "/var/solr"
solr_service: "solr"
solr_port: "8983"
NOTE: if there are upgrade steps required for existing indices, this role will not undertake them
solr_upgrade: true
solr_upgrade_arg: "-f"
solr_download_dir: "{{ ansible_env.HOME}}"
solr_dir: "solr-{{ solr_version }}"
solr_download_file: "{{ solr_dir }}.tgz"
solr_install_script: ""
solr_download_url: "{{ solr_version }}/{{ solr_download_file }}"
solr_checksum_algo: "sha1"
solr_checksum_url: "{{ solr_download_url }}.{{ solr_checksum_algo }}"
solr_bin: "{{ solr_install_dir }}/{{ solr_service }}/bin"
solr_home: "{{ solr_var_dir }}/data"
solr_cores: []
# user vars
solr_user: "solr"
solr_group: "{{ solr_user }}"
uid & gid are available for override, but we don't define them by default
# solr_user_uid:
# solr_group_gid:
To override all the environment vars, provide a template similar to the provided example and set the following with its filename:
solr_env_template: ""
To set individual environment vars, provide them like so:
- var: "SOLR_HEAP"
value: "2g"
Any role (or other method) that will provide Java 8 (JRE 1.8).
- hosts: solr
- { role: java }
- { role: solr }
Drew Heles