--DirectoryExclusionList Filters out specific directories following a
minimatch pattern.
--IgnoreDirectories Filters out specific directories, providing
individual directory paths separated by semicolon.
Obsolete in favor of DirectoryExclusionList's glob
--SourceDirectory Required. Directory to operate on.
--SourceFileRoot Directory where source files can be found.
--DetectorArgs Comma separated list of properties that can affect
the detectors execution, like EnableIfDefaultOff
that allows a specific detector that is in beta to
run, the format for this property is
DetectorId=EnableIfDefaultOff, for example
--DetectorCategories A comma separated list with the categories of
components that are going to be scanned. The
detectors that are going to run are the ones that
belongs to the categories.The possible values are:
Npm, NuGet, Maven, RubyGems, Cargo, Pip, GoMod,
CocoaPods, Linux.
--DetectorsFilter A comma separated list with the identifiers of the
specific detectors to be used. This is meant to be
used for testing purposes only.
--ManifestFile The file to write scan results to.
--DockerImagesToScan Comma separated list of docker image names or
hashes to execute container scanning on, ex:
--Debug Wait for debugger on start
--DebugTelemetry Used to output all telemetry events to the
--CorrelationId Identifier used to correlate all telemetry for a
given execution. If not provided, a new GUID will
be generated.
--Verbosity (Default: Normal) Flag indicating what level of
logging to output to console during execution.
Options are: Verbose, Normal, or Quiet.
--Timeout An integer representing the time limit (in
seconds) before detection is cancelled
--Output Output path for log files. Defaults to %TMP%
--AdditionalDITargets Comma separated list of paths to additional
dependency injection targets.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.