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jibedoubleve edited this page Mar 11, 2023 · 4 revisions

Create a new keyword

There are two ways to create a new shortcut

Going to the configuration window

  1. Type setup
  2. Go to the tab keywords

With the keyword add

Type Add <the_keyword_you_want>, a window appear:

Create shortcuts (UI)


  1. Type the name of the shortcut you want to configure.
  2. Set the path of the shortcut.

    The path can be:

    • the path of an executable
    • a path to a directory
    • an URL
  3. As a convenience you can use the cross to infer the executable.

    Drag and drop the cross on a window and Lanceur will infer the path of the executable

  4. Add the argument that will be used when launching the executable
  5. RunAs can be:
    • Admin: launch the application with administration privileges
    • CurrentUser: launch the application with the privilege of the current user
  6. StartMode can be:
    • Default: keep default configuration of the app
    • Maximized: start in fullscreen
    • Minimized: start minimised in the taskbar
  7. The working directory is the path that will be specified to the program as the working directory when starting it.
  8. Some notes user can add to the shortcut.

Predifined keywords

Some keyword are reserved and have some specific behaviour:

keyword explanation parameters
add Create a new keyword. The name of the keyword you want
= Execute calculation The formula to calculate
import Automatically import data from Slickrun N.A.
quit Quit the application N.A.
sessions List all the sessions N.A.
setup Opens the setup window N.A.
> Execute the parameters in cmd.exe The command to execute
version Displays the version of Lanceur N.A.


Macro are hidden keywords that can be activated by creating a new alias with a specific text in the File name text box

Here are the list:

macro explanation
@centre@ Place the search box in the centre of the main screen
@guid@ Create a new guid and save it in the clipboard
@multi@ Will execute a list of macro.



In the Arguments text box, put the list of alias you want to execute. Separate each alias with one or more @ (each arobase means a waiting time of 1 second).

Replacement cards

Any occurence of these macro in the File Name text box will be replace as follow.

card explanation
$C$ will replace with the Clipboard in the format most web URLs expect
$R$ will replace with the Clipboard
$I$ will replace with typed parameters
$W$ will replace with typed parameters in the format most web URLs expect