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Releases: jibranhaider/explicitSolidDynamics


11 Sep 12:18
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This release like the previous one is compatible with OpenFOAM Foundation releases (versions 4, 5 & 6). It comes with major code refactoring with several additional features including:

  • A new plasticity solver introduced to simulate elasto-plastic materials with isotropic hardening.
  • New tutorials to simulate complex physics.
  • A minor bug fix in the interpolation scheme.
  • Automated build checks using the continuous integration service Travis CI.
  • Adaptation of code according to OpenFOAM coding style guide.
  • Improved code design and readability.
  • Improved wiki documentation.
  • Removal of unused code.


11 Sep 12:02
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This is the first release of the explicitSolidDynamics toolkit developed for OpenFOAM Foundation releases (versions 4, 5 & 6). The 'solidFoam' solver included supports linear elastic and hyper-elastic Neo-Hookean constitutive models for homogeneous materials.