Mitsobox is a library for nodeJS scripts that calls native win32 API directly, to show dialog boxes. In simpler words, it creates a message box using native windows services (Yeah it's only for windows 😝).
yarn add mitsobox
npm i mitsobox --save
const mitsobox = require('mitsobox');
// Display a messagebox only with OK key
mitsobox.ok("The coolest title ever", "The content");
// Display a messagebox with OK - CANCEL keys, then get response
mitsobox.okCancel("Another cool title", "Another cool content").then(function (action) {
console.log(action); // 'OK' or 'CANCEL'
// Display a messagebox with ABORT - RETRY - IGNORE keys, then get response
mitsobox.abortRetryIgnore("Breaking news!", "Nasa has confirmed that the earth is FLAT").then(function (action){
console.log(action); // 'ABORT' or 'RETRY' or 'IGNORE'