Trinket is MIDI performance software. It allows a musician to create and modify MIDI data in real time.
For more information see the wiki. [TODO]
Most pipes take MIDI input from some pipe, do something to it, and output it to another pipe.
Some pipes generate MIDI data, so they don't have an input. Some pipes output MIDI data to a PortMidi port, so they don't have an output to any other pipe.
Gets its input from a PortMidi port.
Sends its input to a PortMidi output.
Copies its input to one or more pipes. This is the only pipe that has multiple outputs.
If the incoming message is a note message (note on, note off, or polyphonic pressure), it transposes the note number by a specified amount.
All other messages are passed through unchanged.
If the incoming message is a note message (note on, note off, or polyphonic pressure), it passes them through only if they are within the specified low and high notes. Note messages that are lower or higher are dropped.
All other messages are passed through unchanged.
Remaps MIDI channels. Any channel can be remapped to another or filtered out.
Transforms one kind of MIDI message into another.
Has a BPM setting (beats per minute) and sends out a MIDI CLOCK message 24 times per beat.
- Note on value
- Note on velocity
- Controller
- Program change
- Channel pressure
- Start, continue, stop
- Controller
- Program change
- Channel pressure
- Start, continue, stop
TODO: write about how the more odd mappings, like start -> controller, are handled.
See the To Do list on the Wiki.