Single page EcmaScript5 web application skeleton.
AngularJS 1.3, LESS, and Grunt are powerful tools for single page web application development for 2014. This repository shares the skeleton I use to start front end projects. The assets it builds are perfect for usage with Github's Electron. It's also a great starting point for a Parse application.
- Node.js
- Git installed, use 'git --version' to check.
- Additional commands:
npm install -g grunt-cli
git clone && cd lake && npm install
grunt # do this in it's own tab.
node . # do this in it's own tab.
View localhost:8001 in your browser.
|-- build
| |-- css
| | +-- styles.js
| |-- js
| | |-- client.js
| | +--
| +-- index.html
|-- client
| |-- base
| | |-- angular
| | | |-- angular-file-name.service.js
| | | +-- angular-file-name.any-type.js
| | |-- html
| | | +-- base.template.html
| | |-- styles
| | | +-- base.styles.less
| | +-- _base.module.js
| |-- components
| | |-- component_name
| | | |-- angular
| | | | |-- component_name.controller.js
| | | | +-- component_name.directive.js
| | | |-- html
| | | | +-- component_name.partial.html
| | | |-- styles
| | | | +-- component_name.less
| | | +-- _component_name.module.js
| | |-- _components.module.js
| |-- vendor
| | |-- angular
| | | +-- angular-ui-router.js
| | |-- styles
| | | |-- lesshat.less
| | | +-- murtaugh.reset.less
| | +-- _vendor.module.js
| |-- client.module.js
| +-- routes.config.js
|-- .gitignore
|-- gruntfile.js
|-- package.json
+-- server.js
- A setup for an EcmaScript5 project.
- A front end codebase without dependency on a database.
- A development CLI command, and a production CLI command provided by Grunt.
- The assets can be included in any project with any server framework.
- Minification, cache busting, compressed CSS, and source mapping.
- Because we use Angular, we are using the closest thing to Web Components in an EcmaScript 5 codebase.
- The ability to watch file changes and rebuild assets immediately.
- A HTML5 CSS reset via Tim Murtaugh.
- A clean file & folder organization, where it is suggested that CSS, HTML, and JS are isolated per abstraction of a component.
- Flexibility to name files names however you like within the folder structure.
- Modules to provide a lightweight dependency hierarchy.
- An UI Router for state and routes.
- LESS Hat for LESS mixins to avoid manually writing vendor prefixes.
- John Papa's AngularJS styleguide
- Addy Osmani's repos
- Jacob Thorton's repos and CSS/LESS medium post
- Dave Mosher's repos