In this repo you can find three folders to help build your own meme search engine powered by Jina.
- backend-text - Uses SpaCy to encode and search through meme captions
- backend-image - Uses CLIP to encode and search through meme images
- frontend - A Streamlit frontend for the whole thing
Each of these can be run independently. You can play with a live demo or notebook (text-search only) to get a feel for it.
I'm still revamping the README's, so documentation might not be fully up-to-date for a little while.
- Create a virtual environment
python 200000
(where 200000 is the number of memes you want to download)
cd backend-text
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -t index -n 1000 # Index 1000 memes
python -t search # Open RESTful gateway
to set number of memes to index.
cd backend-image
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -t index -n 1000 # Index 1000 memes
python -t search # Open RESTful gateway
cd frontend
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: This opens up the search interfaces for meme search, including the frontend. It doesn't index the data. Be sure to do that beforehand.
- Follow instructions above for setup and indexing (don't query anything yet)
- In root dir,
docker-compose up
If you're on Linux you can create a swapfile:
dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=10240 status=progress # 10240mb = 10gb
chmod 600 swapfile
mkswap swapfile
swapon swapfile